Oslo National Academy of the Arts
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Sub-communities within this community
1. Artistic Research [588]
3. Studentarbeider [654]
Dokumentasjon fra forestillinger, utstillinger, tekster m.m. -
4. Forelesninger [185]
Lyd- og filmopptak av forelesninger -
5. Tegneskolen 200 år [28]
Statens håndverks- og kunstindustriskole 1818-2018
Collections in this community
Recent Submissions
(Design, 2023)ENG: SELVSKAP (82 pages, pdf) A project comprised of four carved wooden works and a written self-criticism. The four wooden works that make up the physical part of SELVSKAP (E. selfhood) are named: I’Moustache, ... -
Architecture Room, Royal Academy 2024 Summer Exhibition
(Visual arts, 2024)NO: London-kollektivet Assemble samler arbeider fra alle de kreative feltene i de arkitektoniske rommene. ENG: London collective Assemble brings together works from across the creative fields into the architectural rooms. -
Education is the practice of freedom. Free education for all.
(Professional article, 2024)NO: En artikkel skrevet for Norsk Kunstårbok 2024 om betydningen av utdanning generelt og kunstutdanning spesielt for å danne kritiske individer og forme effektive kollektive handlinger, satt inn i en historisk kontekst ... -
End (three prologues)
(Film, 2024)NO: «END, three prologues» er en mellomlang essayfilm som er poetisk bygget opp rundt ideen om slutten i menneskelig, narrativ og økologisk forstand, og dens forbindelse til begrepene syklus, tilbakevending og tap. «END, ... -
Spaces for Making - Graham Oram
(Conference lecture, 2024)NO: Royal Academy of Arts' Architecture Room , kuratert av Assemble RA, utforsker ideer rundt «rom for å skape». I løpet av ettermiddagen vil arkitekter og kunsthåndverkere, både etablerte og nye, diskutere skapende rom ... -
environment embodiment - towards poetic narratives
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The artistic research project environment embodiment - towards poetic narratives explores the concept of agency in the context of encounters between body and environment. Proposing the body as an environment, the project ... -
Europeisk samtidsdramatikk
(Other student thesis, 2024)Andreårsstudentene på bachelor skuespillerfag har arbeidet med europeisk samtidsdramatikk. I denne forestillingen viser de utdrag fra Beogradtriologien av Biljana Srbljanovich, Se deg om i vrede av John Osborne og Eks av ... -
En folkefiende
(Other student thesis, 2024)En folkefiende: Doktor Thomas Stockmann: Randin Mikael Kummeneje Fru Stockmann: Sofia Tjelta Sydness Petra: Hibba Najeeb Peter Stockmann: Eline Torsdatter Karijord Martha Kiil: Nora Moseid Hovstad: Jonas ... -
Alternative Histori[es]: A Place Where Something Happened
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)This artistic research project focuses on narrative accounts of Norwegians who self-identify with a 'multicultural and/or immigration background(s)' to explore how their (hi)stories can be woven into the tapestry of the ... -
Spaces of Uncertainty
(Master Avdeling Design;, Master thesis, 2024) -
Perfect Archetypes
(Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024) -
What Is Culinary Spatial Practice?
(Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024) -
Natta syng sine songar av Jon Fosse
(Other student thesis, 2016)Framsyninga er eit samarbeidsprosjekt mellom masterstudentar frå regi, scenografi, scenetekst og skodespelarar ved Teaterhøgskolen. Regi: Martin Lotherington Skodespelarar: Tarjei Westby, Karin Margrethe Klouman og ... -
ἀνάπτυξις (ii)
(Design, 2024)ἀνάπτυξις (ii) is an archive of handouts: meantime result documenting process and partial insights, in a formally structured way. Structure: ~1000 words, 3 pictures and dated. The archive is seasonal. The autumn archive ... -
Rotation is Your Motivation: Phase 2
(Performing arts, 2024)„Rotation is Your Motivation” deals with the relationship between anatomical structure and aesthetic values in dance. The project's title refers to William Forsythe's work, which used hip rotation to initiate improvised ... -
Rotation is Your Motivation: Phase 3
(Performing arts, 2024)The project explores the relationship between anatomical structure and aesthetic values in dance. Inspired by William Forsythe's work, its title focuses on hip rotation as a catalyst for improvised movement material. This ... -
Avgang 2024: Orpheus
(Student paper, others, 2024)Operahøgskolens masterstudenter viser sin avgangsforestilling Orpheus av G. P. Telemann på Den Norske Opera & Ballett i Bjørvika. Medvirkende Regi: Stefan Herheim Musikalsk ledelse: Bjarte Eike Orkester: Barokksolistene ... -
Choreography as a meaning-generating aggregate
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The focus of my research project has been to examine choreography as an aggregate of meaning production specific to dance, where habits of perceiving and understanding the body are probed, and an incentive is provided for ... -
Individual Threads in Collective Fabric: Reimagining School Uniforms
(Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024) -
Weaving Dialogues: Bridging Threads of Time, Nature, and Craft in Garment Making
(Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024)