• QUAD II—intervention #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-08-13)
      This flyer-series is part of the QUAD-quadrilogy from the summer 2021. QUAD contains a double reference: 1) Samuel Beckett’s choreography named QUAD; 2) A set of positions posited by Bruno Latour to explore and map a ...
    • QUAD IV—metalepsis #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-08-13)
      This flyer-series is part of the QUAD-quadrilogy from the summer 2021. QUAD contains a double reference: 1) Samuel Beckett’s choreography named QUAD; 2) A set of positions posited by Bruno Latour to explore and map a ...
    • Warburg og Atlaset 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-08-18)
      Presentasjon av plansjeverk og med kort forelesning, til KUF presentasjon på avdeling design 18.08.21 (KUF = kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og forskning).
    • #01-06 the phygital 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-08-26)
      During an Artistic Research day at KHiO’s dpt. of design (13.08.21), PhD fellow Ida Falck Øien asked the co-author (Theodor Barth) a direct question on how to incorporate diary-keeping into the practices of arenas devoted ...
    • Semiosis #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-09-02)
      This flyer-series of 6 elements (1HEX) features 6 contrastive panels, conceived as scenographic elements for theory development from, in and for performance. The series departs from reasoned learning outcomes from a ...
    • Binswanger #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-09-09)
      Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) was a clinical psychiatrist, a philosopher and the founder og existential analysis in psychology. He was translated into French by Michel Foucault. His ideas are adjacent to Maurice Merleau ...
    • Excavation #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-09-21)
      In this flyer-series, content is queried as a vectored relationship between image and writing. The reference framework is Samuel Beckett’s queries in the “novellas” Ill Seen Ill Said/Company/ Worstward Ho/Stirrings Still ...
    • black spot #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-10-08)
      The flyer series draws up an often neglected discussion on late mediaeval/renaissance backdrop of modernism: whether referring to the Bauhaus, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Duchamp or Le Corbusier. The series are panels ...

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-11-03)
      Prøve—bidraget søker å demonstrere en sidelengs transposisjon mellom panelverk, oppstilling og atlas. Oppstillingen undersøker posisjon, situasjon og opptak i tegning under feltarbeid, og plansjenes leselighet som panelverk ...
    • The lineup #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-11-15)
      The lineup explores reflection in an aspect that is constructed, involves the work of time (process) and design. This flyer-series queries the potential of the lineup to feature a construct of this kind. That is, a design ...
    • DE 551 Theory 3—Synthesis (2021) 

      Design, MA2 (Master thesis, 2021-12-17)
      The final theory course (DE 551—Theory 3, Synthesis) in 2021 was held under the conditions of the lockdown: we had learned a number of useful lessons from 2020, when the same course was run under the same conditions (Covid ...
    • #01-06 panels 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-12-19)
      This flyer-series explores som aspects of flat media that are implicit, readily escape our attention and are largely unplanned. That is, the liminal aspects of flat media featuring interactive affordances of doors, corridors, ...
    • #01-06 wheeling 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-12-27)
      This flyer-series features the collection (X) as an intermediary between content (A) and container (B). That is, a triangular relationship as an alternative to our binary notion of content and container. ‘Wheeling’ determines ...

      Barth, Theodor (Academic article, 2022)
      DAC 3 Vol 1 & Vol 2 ISSN: 2732-6926 & ISSN: 2732-6926 The purpose of this article is to present a research portfolio – composed of an online archive and an index from 2020-22 – and perform its outcomes in a memory-theatre. ...
    • MQAR—Matching Qualities in Artistic Research 

      Barth, Theodor (Conference lecture, 2022-01-21)
      Session #12 (Artistic Research Week 2022) Link to—Hands | The Double (Henrik Hellstenius and Ellen Ugelvik): https://vimeo.com/662338060 Short name: MQAR (Matching Qualities in Artistic Research) Contributors: ...
    • #14/1—Lineup 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2022-01-24)
      Contribution to ARW 2022 (Artistic Research Week at KHiO). Exhibit #14/1 is a lineup: a forensic panel with elements in different materials that serve to document findings and drive a query. The panel documents the reading ...
    • Memory-atlas & the redrawing of the terrestrial 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2022-02-22)
      Sample—the contribution seeks to demonstrate a sideways transposition between panel-works, lineups and an atlas. The lineup investigates position, situation and record when drawing under field- work conditions, and the ...
    • "Wheeling" environmental humanities— Educating designers in excess of what designers do 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2022-03-09)
      If—on our present horizon—design appears as environmental humanities gone live, education must be a key player in hatching and cultivating the awareness of this possibility. If—on our present horizon—design appears as ...
    • KRYSTALLISERINGER—alkymi, design og romantikk 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2022-03-21)
      Forelesningen begrunner og demonstrerer en visuell inngang til analysen av et Biedermeier maleri (Wilhelm Bendz, 1830), fra den danske «guldalderen», for å utkrystallisere en bakgrunnsforståelse av det moderne, og tiden ...
    • Meantime index 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2022-04-17)
      “The card index marks the conquest of three-dimensional writing, and so presents an astonishing counterpoint to the three-dimensionality of script in its original form as rune or knot notation. (And today the book is ...