QUAD IV—metalepsis #01-06
This flyer-series is part of the QUAD-quadrilogy from the summer 2021. QUAD contains a double reference: 1) Samuel Beckett’s choreography named QUAD; 2) A set of positions posited by Bruno Latour to explore and map a territory of the terrestrial, as opposite to global, conditions that we may currently have to determine.
QUAD is composed of 4 flyer-sets of 6—4HEX—with each their different positions cast as roles: I) someone makes a statement based on assumption: II) someone else forwards knowledge in support of the assumption; III) a third role lies in coming up with a critique of that knowledge; IV) a fourth instance has/claims to have the know-how.
The present flyer-series, on metalepsis, claims know-how based on an understanding of how synecdoches and metonyms work, moving them from rhetorics (as tropes) to different approaches to sign production (semiosis). The job and resident principle of metalepsis as know-how, rests on signs as the signifying elements of agency.
Here, signs do not extend from language, and and are not a priori discursive subordinate to and inscribed in language: they articulate with language, but are not as language. This opens to explore as path where language and signs interfere with one another. And how events can catch up from contents, from behind: in the rear view.
Clearly, a demonstration has been given of the two modes of QUAD: 1) as an indicated role-set [standard/archetypical of all design processes]; 2) as 4 flyer-sets that are configured to mirror the role set. The QUAD accordingly is conceived in two modes: a restricted mode (of the roles) and an expanded mode (of the flyers). The latter feature design as the animating principle of a creative process.
In the last flyer #06 there is a hyperlink, at the bottom, allowing you to return to QUAD I.
Flyer set of 6 (1HEX) with these elements: #01 attempt; #02 try again; #03 do something else; #04 return; #05 unlearn; #06 crossover.