Semiosis #01-#06
This flyer-series of 6 elements (1HEX) features 6 contrastive panels, conceived as scenographic elements for theory development from, in and for performance.
The series departs from reasoned learning outcomes from a conference: Renewing Opera, hosted by PhD fellow Kristin Norderval on behalf of the Academy of Opera at KHiO.
It ends up with some considerations on an ongoing/preparatory study of Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne, with some methodological considerations on a workable approach.
The series is itself conceived in performance, as a performance, and with performative outcome: panels as trace and score. And it seeks to propose a foundation for a re-started theory of signs, or semiotics.
What a performance can do—which an argument cannot—is to demonstrate a point by relying on how elements work together (the truth of that), and does not rely merely/exclusively on logic.
Departing from a workshop on stage the final outcome of the series, aims at exposing the readers to the panels (how they work together) and not only to convince/persuade them.
The assumption is that the panels are viewed within an arms-length distance to a screen, or printout, and that signs are the signifying elements of agency. Pay attention to how you produce the signs to receive them as you intercept this set.
A set of 6 flyers (1HEX): #01—attempt; #02—try again; #03—do something else; #04—return; #05—unlearn; #06 crossover.