Now showing items 13-32 of 103

    • Aggregates 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-04-14)
      The topic of the flyer-set is aggregates: that is how repetition and multiplication, passed a critical threshold, has a formative impact on the whole. As a point of departure, two cases of work are compared: Bjørn Blikstad’s ...
    • alienation & ethics 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-02-14)
      [WALKABOUT—Click NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] The flyer series (1 HEX) seems to etablish and develop the relation between ethics and dialectical materialism. New spectral perspective on Marx. A non-corporatist exploration of ...
    • Automatikk 

      Theodor, Barth (Design, 2020-07-29)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] En serie som—i 6 trinn—utforsker automatikk som prosedyrer for selvets (auto-) minner (-matikk). Altså, å sondre i menneskelige praksiser som forvalter og holder automatikken, i ...
    • Being with Spinoza 

      Barth, Theodor (HEX-base;, Visual arts, 2020-03)
      The flyer-series develops an experimental companionship with Spinoza's Ethics, under the conditions of the Corona pandemia (Spring 2020). On this backdrop a 'plateau-assemblage' of learning-outcomes and reflections on ...
    • Binswanger #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-09-09)
      Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) was a clinical psychiatrist, a philosopher and the founder og existential analysis in psychology. He was translated into French by Michel Foucault. His ideas are adjacent to Maurice Merleau ...
    • black spot #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-10-08)
      The flyer series draws up an often neglected discussion on late mediaeval/renaissance backdrop of modernism: whether referring to the Bauhaus, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Duchamp or Le Corbusier. The series are panels ...
    • Blind-spots, rhythm and integration 

      Barth, Theodor (Other type of report, 2024-04-23)
      Opplastingen inneholder materiell til intervensjon ved pedagogisk forum ved KHiO, arrangert av Heidi Haraldsen. Intervensjonen diskuterer en transformasjon av kursinnhold basert på 12 års erfaring med teori undervisning ...
    • Bøkenes hamskifte : en husvandring i Deichmanske biblioteks hovedfilial 

      Lundell, Martin Egge; Barth, Theodor; Thorsen, Oddvar (Book, 2016)
      Med fotografier av Steffen Kørner og forord av Ellef Prestsæter.
    • Cabala #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-03-19)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] NB! It is recommended that you read this collection online. If you download it you are enjoined not to delete it. THE WORK OF RECEPTION —The underground resourcefulness of the ...
    • Categories 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-05-05)
      This flyer-series (1HEX) takes on the conceptual challenge of formulating and proposing some insights on categories, as affectively intercepted but non-embodied agents: joining the antinomic modalities of necessity and ...
    • Clarifications 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-04-22)
      The flyer-series [1HEX] explores the potential of activism to yield clarification, expanding clarification from the context of language to that of action. It queries whether teaching, researching and disseminating—if ...
    • Commons in Transit 

      Barth, Theodor (Research report, 2015-12-15)
    • the COVID19 estate 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 21-09-29)
      The present series of 6 flyers (1HEX) springs from some elementary musings on Samuel Beckett’s QUAD, in this version: The question asked is: how does the QUAD—considered ...
    • Crisis & Care: flyers #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-01-25)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] Preparation and modular diary for the Artistic Research Week (ARW) at KHiO, week 4, January. The flyer series aims at maturing the configuration of a collaborative situation—distributed ...
    • the debt #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-11-03)
      The debt #01-06 is a flyer series written as a modular diary—linked to events, activities and topics that have come my way in the expanse of 2 weeks. During these two weeks a chief concern has been the how the structural ...
    • DEN VIKENDE «GEOGNOSTISKE» HORISONTEN— noen kritiske observasjoner omkring endringer i naturhorisonters plass i tegning og miljøportretter 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-03-24)
      Seminarbidrag til seriens Snø- og Isdekte alper ved Nasjonalbiblioteket. Bidraget tar for seg sammenhengen mellom tegning og situasjon, der bla. høydeforskjeller spiller en rolle. Det er tre variabler ved høydeperspektiv: ...
    • design #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-08-03)
      This flyer-collection features an encounter with Patí Passero’s exhibit— I still have the best basketball card collection at Uranienborg school, what do you have?—a one day exhibition. The flyer-set is made the day after ...
    • Devices 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-09-24)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] The flyer series series queries the aspects in which design can offer research qualities relevant to foundational questioning in the art-field, beyond the discursive boundaries ...
    • Digitus #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-10-08)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] This flyer series (#01-06) is a modular diary for week 41. One of the topics is chance methods, and is reflected in the serendipitous progress of one flyer to the other. The ...