• Kunst og frihet: Tekstdel 

      Guttu, Ane Hjort (Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      Jeg har valgt å levere tekstdelen av mitt stipendiatprosjekt i form av fire essays. Her ser jeg grundig på noen utvalgte arbeider for å belyse hvordan konkrete estetiske valg i hvert enkelt prosjekt er forbundet med større ...
    • Library for A-Scientific Film 2012–2015. Reflection 

      Bunte, Andreas (Doctoral thesis, 2016-05-10)
      In the artistic research project Library for A-Scientific Film I explored the ‘genre’ of Scientific Research Film (SRF) as a format for artistic film production. My research focussed on SRF as established by the German ...
    • Library for A-Scientific Film. Disputas 

      Bunte, Andreas (Doctoral thesis, 2016)
    • Mattering Waves 

      Graff, Ane (Visual arts, 2017)
      Solo exhibition at Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, US, February 28 - April 22 2017. A collaboration between Elizabeth Dee Gallery, the Norwegian exhibition space Entrée and Independent. In "Mattering Waves" Ane Graff ...
    • Mediating Uncertainties 

      Eliassen, Sara (Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      The artistic research project Mediating Uncertainties reflects upon the crucial role images, media narratives and propagated histories play in naturalizing processes of dominant ideologies— in order to ask what modes of ...
    • Mineral Breath, Metal Mouth 

      Graff, Ane (Visual arts, 2016)
      Verket Mineral Breath, Metal Mouth ble vist på 11th Gwangju Biennale. The Eight Climate (What Does Art Do?) 02. september - 02. november 2016.
    • Neo-worlds: Transformative Agency through Fright, Rite, and Myth 

      Iversen, Marie Kølbæk (Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      This practiced-based artistic research project traces the power of rite and of active mythic thinking to resignify modern experiences of fright, from barren and isolating experiences to potential sources of learning and ...
    • Permanent Collection – simultaneous ongoing action 

      Pelmus, Manuel (Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Permanent Collection – simultaneous ongoing action - is a practice- based artistic research project, constructed around the idea of a permanent collection. An attempt to construct a permanent collection collectively by ...
    • Project description. The Other Wild: touching art as confrontation 

      Bugge, Liv (Other type of report, 2018)
      The Other Wild interrogates internalized normative structures that harness and govern life as well as non-life, and examines ways in which these structures incorporate exclusion and demonization of states of body and mind. ...
    • Pulp Philosophy (The Film Machine/Conceptual Clusters) 

      Kvam, Thomas (Doctoral thesis, 2014-09-05)
      Kan kunst og forskning forenes? Dette er ett av spørsmålene som står sentralt i Thomas Kvams stipendiatprosjekt Pulp Philosopy (The Film Machine /Conceptual Clusters). Som tittelen hentyder tok stipendiatprosjektet et ...
    • Space for interference 

      Eeg-Tverbakk, Per Gunnar; Jakobsen, Kjetil A. (Journal article, 2011-06)
      The article aims to show that the theory of open and autopoietic systems may be applied in such a way as to transcend the sterile opposition between autonomy aesthetics and culturalism. A theory of contemporary and modern ...
    • Staging dislocation: Notes on finished and unfinished work 

      Alvær, Jesper (Journal article, 2014)
      Artikkel publisert i tidsskriftet "Vector - Critical Research in Context". Tidsskriftet utkommer årlig. Tittel på 2014-utgivelsen: "Critical Theories and Creative Practices of Research." Redaktør: Catalin Gheorge. Utgitt ...
    • The Other Wild [Exhibition] 

      Bugge, Liv (Ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Kunstakademiet, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      The Other Wild interrogates how systems of control and internalized normative structures harness and govern life as well as non-life. The artistic work is part of Liv Bugge’s PhD project at Oslo National Academy of te Arts. ...
    • The Other Wild [Film] 

      Bugge, Liv (Ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Kunstakademiet, Visual arts, 2018)
      Brøggers Hus at the Natural History Museum of Oslo is being emptied. The film The Other Wild (28 min) shows the packing, organization, and deposition of the geological and paleontological collections, as they are being ...
    • The Other Wild: Touching art as confrontation. Reflection. A Guided Guide 

      Bugge, Liv (Ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Kunstakademiet, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
    • The Passing of a Grain of Sand through a Sieve 

      Bunte, Andreas (Visual arts, 2015-10-30)
      The passing of a grain of sand through a sieve, the currents of a riverbed, the ideal human somersault: These are typical subject matters of the scientific motion studies produced by the Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen ...
    • To accept theirs, to make it mine, to wish it for myself 

      Bugge, Liv; Olaussen, Elin Maria; Tandberg, Karen Christine (Ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Kunstakademiet, Non-fiction monograph, 2018)
      This book forms part of Liv Bugge's artwork To accept theirs, to make it mine, to wish it for myself developed and produced under the auspices of Public Art Norway (KORO) in connection with the construction of new cell ...
    • The Treasure Hunt 

      Hammer, Jan Peter (Phd i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Kunstakademiet;, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      The artistic research project The Treasure Hunt is an speculative investigation into the reward-oriented logics of contemporary capitalism, where treasure refers to both the ‘cultural treasures’ of the art market and the ...

      Graff, Ane (Visual arts, 2017)
      Deltakelse på gruppeutstillingen UUMMANNARSUAQ med skulpturene "Red Tide" og "Bedrock Imagery". Øvrige kunstnere: Tora Dalseng, Anthea Hamilton, Deanna Havas & Shane Munro, Bedwyr Williams. Sted: 1857, Oslo. Tidspunkt: ...
    • Viva Voce: Jesper Alvær 

      Alvær, Jesper (Visual arts, 2017-10)
      The project Work, work: Staging dislocation in artistic and non artistic labour explores shifts in the conventions regulating artistic labour in the expanded field of art, responding to the radical shifts in artistic ...