Now showing items 81-100 of 243

    • Hemmelige samtaler i Alger by 

      Rasmussen, Hans Hamid (Visual arts, 2012-02-09)
      140 cm x 160 cm. Ferdigstilt: 2008. Innkjøpt til Nasjonalmuseet i Oslo.
    • Hold : Slipp 

      Palmstrøm, Sidsel (Exhibition catalogue, 2017)
      Brosjyre gitt ut til Sidsel Palmstrøms separatutstilling "Hold : Slipp" på Kunstplass [10], Oslo. Visningsperiode: 09. november - 16. desember 2017. Inneholder teksten "Igjen og igjen" av Anne Karin Jortveit. Sidsel ...
    • Holotypus 

      Wester, Trine (Visual arts, 2013-06-07)
      Fotobok. Artists' book nr. 5 av 6 som dokumenterer eget FOU-arbeid med digital fabrikasjon og problemstillinger knyttet til dette. Plassert i biblioteket ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.
    • I can highly recommend the Gestapo to everyone 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Visual arts, 2015)
      On the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the death of the founder of psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud and the Play on the Burden of Representation, a curated installation by Joseph Kosuth at the Museum of Contemporary ...
    • I Shop Therefore I am 

      Lislerud, Ole (Visual arts, 2011-03-17)
      Gruppeutstilling. Visningssted: Galleri GaGo, Tjuvholmen, Oslo. Utstillingsperiode: 03.05.2010 - 23.05.2010.
    • IMPACT 12: Printmaking Post-Graduates' Artistic Research 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Conference lecture, 2022)
      Recent International MFA Printmaking Graduate Presentations: Adrian Ranger, Oliver Hambsch, Ellen Burroughs, Fungai Marima, Saskia Morris, Helen Elizabeth, Stephen Fowler.
    • In Gods Hands 

      Kokkin, Kirsten (Visual arts, 2012-02-15)
      Bronseskulptur. Bestillingsverk for Den Norske sjømannskirken i Miami, Florida. Ferdigstilt: 20.11.2010. Ekstern finansiering/sponsor: Sigurd Jensen A/S. Ferdigstilt 2011.
    • International Metal Art Exhibition 

      Sand, Heidi (Visual arts, 2010-02-01)
      Gruppeutstilling. Tildelt pris: GULL, for "Bud Bowl". 925 sølv Ø 5 cm. x h.2,5 cm. Visningssted: Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, Beijing, Kina. Utstillingsperiode: 16.03.2009 - 25.03.2009.
    • Invertert rom I og II 

      Rasmussen, Hans Hamid (Visual arts, 2011-01-21)
      Separatutstilling. Visningssted: Porsgrunn Kunstforening, Porsgrunn, Norge. Utstillingsperiode: 21.08.2010 - 12.09.2010. Sponsor: Norsk Kulturråd.
    • KALEID 2015 London. Artists' Books Archive 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Visual arts, 2015)
      KALEID editions' annual selection of artists' books was showcased in KhiO's library and acquired for their artists' book collection. Time: 15.09.15 - 18.09.15 Place: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, the library
    • KALEID 2015 London. Artists' Books Exhibition 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Others, 2015)
      KALEID editions annual selection of artists' books was showcased at The Art Academy in London, July 18th 2015; hosting artists from England, Czech Republic, Norway, Germany, Iceland, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and the ...
    • KALEID 2015 London. London Art Book Fair 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Others, 2015)
      KALEID editions represented a curated selection of artists' books by European-based artists at the London Art Book Fair; presenting the best in international arts publishing, showcasing artists’ books, catalogues, zines, ...
    • KALEID 2015 London. USA Book Tour 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Others, 2015)
      KALEID editions toured the USA, representing a curated selection of artists' books acquired by: SAIC Library's Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection, the Yale British Art Center, Boston Athaeneum, Wellesley College, RISD ...
    • KALEID 2016 London. Offprint Artists' Publishing Fair 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Others, 2016)
      KALEID editions represented a curated selection of artists' publications by European-based artists. In collaboration with Tate Modern, Offprint (LUMA Foundation) hosted 150 independent and experimental publishers in ...
    • KALEID 2016 Oslo. Artists' Book Exhibition and Seminar. Artistic Research and Development. KUF-Report 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Others, 2016-08-26)
      On Thursday 12th May, KALEID 2016 Oslo took place at Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Norway’s leading National Academy for the Arts; as an artists’ book exhibition, seminar and networking event.
    • KALEID 2016 Oslo. Artists' Book Seminar 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Visual arts, 2016-05-12)
      KALEID editions ran an artists’ book seminar on Thursday 12th May 2016 at the Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Sigrid Calon (the Netherlands), Patrizia Meinhert (Germany) and Jurgen Maelfeyt, Art Paper Editions (Belgium) presented ...
    • KALEID 2016 Oslo. Artists' Books Exhibition 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Visual arts, 2016-05-10)
      An exhibition of artists’ books curated in KHiO’s library between 10th – 12th May launched KALEID editions’ annual collection. Thirty-five artists from Belgium, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, ...
    • KALEID 2016 Oslo. The Field of Distribution 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena; Campell, Nancy (Journal article, 2016-06-01)
      Victoria Browne speaks to Nancy Campbell about KALEID editions, an initiative that represents books by Europe-based artists at art book fairs and through advocacy with museum special collections.
    • KALEID 2016 Oslo. USA Book Tour 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Others, 2016)
      KALEID editions toured the USA, representing a curated selection of artists' books acquired by: SAIC Library's Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection, Yale University, RISD Fleet Library and Museum, Swarthmore Library, ...
    • KALEID 2017 Oslo. Artists' Publishing Archive 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena; Knutsen, Ane Thon; Guttormsen, Beatrice; Bare, Bjarne; Gleditsch, Espen; Åsbakk, Fatou Madeleine Satumaa; Paré, Gabrielle; Andresen, Henrik; Brouder, Jessica; Lund, Kathrine Rørbakken; Escobar, Lissette; Björkendal, Nina; Carlsen, Rikke Sund (Others, 2017)
      Artists’ publications by KhiO’s undergraduate, postgraduate, MPhil and alumni were exhibited as part of BOOKI at Galleria SKALA and archived in the Photography Library at Poznan’s University of Art. The exhibition took ...