«Darkness – the enemy inside» - the Oxford reading
On the 16th of June 2017, there was a reading from the Hybrid Plays project EU Collective Plays! - during the conference Translation into theatre and the Social Sciences in Oxford. The reading was the performative part of professor Paul C. Castagnos presentation at the conference and prepared in collaboration with Paul C. Castagno and Tale Næss.
THE COLLECTIVE PLAYS! - aims at promoting the creation of plays which are the result of a collaboration of playwrights of different nationalities. The playwrights meet and cooperate to create a narrative structure that is organic but at the same time incorporates different perspectives, styles, languages and idioms. In this dimension, the final play’s draft is entrust to one playwright who never tries to homologate the different styles but, on the contrary, tries to highlight their contrasts by creating a collective narrative structure which resembles a cubist painting.
The text was assembled by Tale Næss for the reading. The assemblage was based on a work for a full length play comissioned by the project. The writers behind the different text-excerpts were Sigbjørn Skåden, Kristin Èiriksdottir, Gianluca Iumiento and Tale Næss. University of Oxford 16th of June 2017.