Now showing items 86-103 of 103

    • Semiosis #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-09-02)
      This flyer-series of 6 elements (1HEX) features 6 contrastive panels, conceived as scenographic elements for theory development from, in and for performance. The series departs from reasoned learning outcomes from a ...
    • Session 7: In dialogue with 

      Guttu, Ane Hjort; Frank, Rike; Lid, Tore Vagn; Barth, Theodor; Gmelin, Felix; Iunker, Finn; Lossius, Trond (Lecture, 2018)
      Part 1: Ane Hjort Guttu in dialogue with Rike Frank Part 2: Tore Vagn Lid in dialogue with Theodor Barth Part 3: Felix Gmelin in dialogue with Rike Frank Part 4: Finn Iunker in dialogue with Trond Lossius Time: ...
    • Situating choreography 

      Barth, Theodor (Information unit (1HEX = flyer series #01-06 [artist book]);, Dataset, 2020)
      Barth, Theodor. (2020). Situating choreography. Information unit (1HEX = flyer series #01-06 [artist book]), rejoinder to Bojana Cvejic. (2015). Choreographing problems—Expressive concepts in European dance and performance. ...
    • Spatial Workstation 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-06-18)
      The flyer-series seeks to expand the Klein's group—as referred to by Rosalind Krauss (1979)—in the area of asymmetric interaction in various domains: communication, transaction, strategy and embodiment as an aspect of ...
    • Stories of nothing 

      Barth, Theodor (Literary arts, 2022-12-29)
      The stories compiled in the attachment are called stories of nothing, as they are built from coincidences and are based on real events: as they happened, they were slippery and difficult to remember. With the work of ...
    • Summer KUF 2020 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-07-23)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] En serie som—i 6 trinn—utforsker konsekvenser av å se geometri som landmåling (ubegrenset av geometrien som et isolert sett av grunnsats og beviser). Hensikten med å unne seg en ...
    • Synopsis #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-02-22)
      [ENTER: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] NB! It is recommended that you read this collection online. If you download it you are enjoined not to delete it. EXPERIMENTAL MEREOLOGY —A theoretic activity in artistic ...
    • Telle 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-07-26)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] En serie som—i 6 trinn—utforsker telling i aspekter som rommer en indre spenning: 1) handlingen helt mekanisk å telle og 2) vurderingen som ligger til grunn for at noe teller (og ...
    • The Graphic Matrix as a Trace Carrier 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena; Barth, Theodor; Remy, Samoa (Lecture, 2020)
      This public seminar expands on Ruth Pelzer-Montada's anthology of texts on contemporary printmaking to consider "the graphic matrix as a trace carrier, to enable an imprint of a visual recording of the trace onto the ...
    • The Matrix Walk 

      Barth, Theodor (The Matrix Walk;, Dataset, 2020-02)
    • Theory development as dramaturgy for the MA 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2023-01-19)
      The full title of the lecture is: Theory development as dramaturgy for the MA—process, performance and production in the Learning Theatre. It is prepared as a backdrop for a lunch-presentation in Prorector Heidi Haraldsen’s ...
    • Travelogue—On contemporary understandings of citizenship among European Jews 

      Barth, Theodor (Doctoral thesis, 2010-02)
      Dr. Philos.—Thesis A short version of the argument in the thesis is given in a flyer series #01-#06 Fredrik Barth. Prof. Fredrik Barth was the main supervisor during the fieldwork and for the present thesis. _________ ...

      Barth, Theodor (Working paper, 2023-03-01)
      Should CULTURAL HISTORY today include a reflective foundation on IP-addresses and metadata? In the adjoined handout (left), two very different types of archival documents (as of date belonging to a private collection) are ...
    • Tvergastein fra Solheimtunet (Ustaoset) 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-08-09)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] Flyer serien på 6 — #01-#06 —er skrevet dag for dag under en fjelltur på Ustaoset. Turene gir materiale for en eksperimentell undersøkelse av Arne Næss (Det frie mennesket), den ...
    • Verticality 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-04-13)
      The present flyer series #01-#06 springs from a distiction between the current and the present in a family-portrait by Wilhelm Bendz of the Waagepetersens in 1836. Based on an understanding of a Biedermeier interior ...
    • Warburg og Atlaset 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-08-18)
      Presentasjon av plansjeverk og med kort forelesning, til KUF presentasjon på avdeling design 18.08.21 (KUF = kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og forskning).
    • "Wheeling" environmental humanities— Educating designers in excess of what designers do 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2022-03-09)
      If—on our present horizon—design appears as environmental humanities gone live, education must be a key player in hatching and cultivating the awareness of this possibility. If—on our present horizon—design appears as ...
    • ἀνάπτυξις 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2024)
      Norsk: Denne samlingen av handouts kalles anaptúxis (ἀνάπτυξις) - et gresk begrep som betyr vekst, utvikling, forklaring. I lingvistikk definerer det innsettingen av vokaler som letter diksjon. I sum bestemmer det en ...