Now showing items 41-60 of 103

    • Synopsis #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-02-22)
      [ENTER: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] NB! It is recommended that you read this collection online. If you download it you are enjoined not to delete it. EXPERIMENTAL MEREOLOGY —A theoretic activity in artistic ...

      Barth, Theodor (Working paper, 2021-03-10)
      Arbeidsnotatet har utgangspunkt i et presentasjonsbidrag Onstag 10.03.21 da avdeling Design holdt en intern KUF dag (KUF = Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og forskning) og alle ansatte med forskningstid var invitert til å ...
    • Cabala #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-03-19)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] NB! It is recommended that you read this collection online. If you download it you are enjoined not to delete it. THE WORK OF RECEPTION —The underground resourcefulness of the ...
    • DEN VIKENDE «GEOGNOSTISKE» HORISONTEN— noen kritiske observasjoner omkring endringer i naturhorisonters plass i tegning og miljøportretter 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-03-24)
      Seminarbidrag til seriens Snø- og Isdekte alper ved Nasjonalbiblioteket. Bidraget tar for seg sammenhengen mellom tegning og situasjon, der bla. høydeforskjeller spiller en rolle. Det er tre variabler ved høydeperspektiv: ...
    • Verticality 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-04-13)
      The present flyer series #01-#06 springs from a distiction between the current and the present in a family-portrait by Wilhelm Bendz of the Waagepetersens in 1836. Based on an understanding of a Biedermeier interior ...
    • Aggregates 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-04-14)
      The topic of the flyer-set is aggregates: that is how repetition and multiplication, passed a critical threshold, has a formative impact on the whole. As a point of departure, two cases of work are compared: Bjørn Blikstad’s ...
    • Mirrors 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-04-14)
      The flyer-series (dataset 1HEX) departs from the existence of mathematics in literary prose—for public exposés—in the Romantic era. And from here pursues the gross-fertilisation of group-theory in art and science. Featuring ...

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-04-15)
      Contribution to seminar-series Snow- and Ice-Covered Alps, at the Norwegian National Library. The contribution discusses the relation between drawing and the site, where e.g. altitude-differences play a role. There are ...
    • Clarifications 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-04-22)
      The flyer-series [1HEX] explores the potential of activism to yield clarification, expanding clarification from the context of language to that of action. It queries whether teaching, researching and disseminating—if ...
    • Office pakken 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-05-05)
      Samlingen undersøker redegjørelsen som alternativ til utredninger—undersøkelser og evalueringer—i virksomheter som KHiO. Med basis i en kritikk av programvare som regneark, tekstbehandler og lysbilder (Office pakken til ...
    • Categories 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-05-05)
      This flyer-series (1HEX) takes on the conceptual challenge of formulating and proposing some insights on categories, as affectively intercepted but non-embodied agents: joining the antinomic modalities of necessity and ...
    • #01-#06 Fredrik Barth 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-05-17)
      This flyer series (1 HEX) is a précis from a tutorial process with Prof. Fredrik Barth. It also develops a view of the main concerns and arguments in the resulting thesis (title: Travelogue—Theodor Barth) available on ...
    • #01-#06 Tiling 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-05-22)
      #01-#06 Tiling, is a flyer-series devoted to the development of an idea of process—and form of knowledge—adequate to theorise field knowledge: i.e., the aspects of knowledge that is linked to fieldwork, survey, documentation ...
    • MDE 545 | Theory 2 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-05-22)
      The present introduction to documentation from MDE 545 | Theory 2—Theory Development, is short. Since a fuller outline of course contents, approach and process is given in the editorial preface to the Essay anthology that ...
    • #01-#06 Crabwise 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-06-06)
      By moving sideways, this flyer series (1HEX), queries the possibility of “terrestrial” mapping (Bruno Latour) as a contemporary bid on Ethics. The series proposes—moving crabwise—an query of Baruch Spinoza’s notion of ...
    • Repair/Re-pair 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-06-07)
      The present flyer-series (#01-#06, 1HEX) is a parcours, in which an attempt is made to tile a specific realm: a tour of KHiO—reminiscing from home, and on campus receptively—in a particular phase of the pandemic. The ...
    • #01-#06 rotation 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-07-01)
      Few would presently disagree that the conditions of our life and work on planet earth is immersive. Yet, can we imagine an existential leap—under these fundamental conditions—that will bring a simultaneous shift to the ...
    • design #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-08-03)
      This flyer-collection features an encounter with Patí Passero’s exhibit— I still have the best basketball card collection at Uranienborg school, what do you have?—a one day exhibition. The flyer-set is made the day after ...
    • QUAD I—progress #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-08-13)
      This flyer series is part of the QUAD-quadrilogy from the summer 2021. QUAD contains a double reference: 1) Samuel Beckett’s choreography named QUAD; 2) A set of positions posited by Bruno Latour to explore and map a ...
    • QUAD III—synecdoche #01-06 

      Barth, Theodor (Dataset, 2021-08-13)
      This flyer-series is part of the QUAD-quadrilogy from the summer 2021. QUAD contains a double reference: 1) Samuel Beckett’s choreography named QUAD; 2) A set of positions posited by Bruno Latour to explore and map a ...