Printmaking in the Expanded Field
"Printmaking in the Expanded Field" took place at Oslo National Academy of Arts september 15-18th, 2015. The seminar took 5 years to develop and was initiated by professor Jan Pettersson, head of the Printmaking Department, at the Department for Art and Craft at The Oslo National Academy of the Arts and in collaboration with Trykkeriet in Bergen and Päivikki Kallio, Professor of Printmaking at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki Finland.
The aim with this 4 day seminar was through invitation of a number of prominent artists, theorists, curators and museum representatives on a global basis to discuss the situation of printmaking today out from the tradition, the theoretical aspect, the historical and what is happening and can happen on the global arena in the future. With “Printmaking in the
Expanded Field“ we want to create a focused seminar with the Nordic field as the primary impact. Our Nordic Institutions of education has a common cultural platform which creates an excellent base for the further development of the media also in an international context.