5th International Mini Textile Art Exhibition
Gruppeutstilling. The 5th International Mini Textile Exhibition was held in June, 15-25, 2011 in Kherson, Ukraine. The organizers are Ludmila Egorova and Andrew Schneider ó ETN members, members of National Artists' Union of Ukraine. 69 artists from 21 countries - Argentina (2), Belgium (2), China (1), Finland (1), France (2), Germany (3), India (2), Japan (10), Lithuania (2), Netherlands (1), Norway (9), Poland (10), Romania (3), Slovakia (1), Korea (1), Switzerland (2), Turkey (3), UK (5), Ukraine (9), USA (8), took part in this exhibition. World-known and young artists who experiment with materials, techniques, surface and space are among participants. We can see beautiful works in traditional techniques and experimental works with interesting discovering. Minitextile is a laboratory of search and discover can be used in future work. The works were restricted in size (30x30x30 cm.). Along with traditional materials: wool, linen, cotton, silk, synthetic, and techniques: tapestry, embroidery, printing, quilt, felt, patchwork, knitting there were works with non-traditional techniques and materials: etching, metal mesh, wire and different authors techniques. Best works: Galyna Shchygoleva (Ukraine), Victoria Pokydanetz (Ukraine), Ester Serpionova (Ukraine), Veronika Mon (Ukraine), Ursula Gerber-Senger (Switzerland), Danuta Haremska (Norway), Flora Sutton (Argentina), Trish Ramsey (USA), Nobuko Ueda (Japan), Junko Suzuki (Japan), Rodica Georgeta Diaconu (Romania). Visningssted: SKYTHIA, Kerson, Ukraina.