Now showing items 21-40 of 1599

    • ἀνάπτυξις (ii) 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2024)
      ἀνάπτυξις (ii) is an archive of handouts: meantime result documenting process and partial insights, in a formally structured way. Structure: ~1000 words, 3 pictures and dated. The archive is seasonal. The autumn archive ...
    • Rotation is Your Motivation: Phase 2 

      Rózsavölgyi, Zsuzsanna; Onarheim-Smith, Matthew William (Performing arts, 2024)
      „Rotation is Your Motivation” deals with the relationship between anatomical structure and aesthetic values in dance. The project's title refers to William Forsythe's work, which used hip rotation to initiate improvised ...
    • Rotation is Your Motivation: Phase 3 

      Rózsavölgyi, Zsuzsanna (Performing arts, 2024)
      The project explores the relationship between anatomical structure and aesthetic values in dance. Inspired by William Forsythe's work, its title focuses on hip rotation as a catalyst for improvised movement material. This ...
    • Avgang 2024: Orpheus 

      Einarsson, Anna Elisabet (Student paper, others, 2024)
      Operahøgskolens masterstudenter viser sin avgangsforestilling Orpheus av G. P. Telemann på Den Norske Opera & Ballett i Bjørvika. Medvirkende Regi: Stefan Herheim Musikalsk ledelse: Bjarte Eike Orkester: Barokksolistene ...
    • Choreography as a meaning-generating aggregate 

      Goldberg, Rosalind (Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The focus of my research project has been to examine choreography as an aggregate of meaning production specific to dance, where habits of perceiving and understanding the body are probed, and an incentive is provided for ...
    • Individual Threads in Collective Fabric: Reimagining School Uniforms 

      Liu, Pucen (Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Weaving Dialogues: Bridging Threads of Time, Nature, and Craft in Garment Making 

      Hansen, Sandra Holdal (Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Elemental Random Access Memory (e-ram) 

      Malm, Mathias Brask-Nilsen (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Memory W: The forgotten pictures 

      Mikalsen, Magdalena (Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Det andre barnet 

      Sparr, Åsta (Master Avdeling Design;Grafisk design og illustrasjon, Master thesis, 2024)

      Fossland, Julia Jayko (Master Avdeling Design;Grafisk design og illustrasjon, Master thesis, 2024)
    • How feelings look / Hvordan følelser ser ut 

      Kolstad, Kine (Master Avdeling Design;Grafisk design og illustrasjon, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Folk og skjermer i 25. juni-saken 

      Korvald, Christa Barlinn (Master Avdeling Design;Grafisk design og illustrasjon, Master thesis, 2024)
    • The fisher kingdom 

      Vittori, Nicolas (Master Avdeling Design;Grafisk design og illustrasjon, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Begrip 

      Nesdal, Marte Elise (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Krillfangerens Dans 

      Friis, Charlotte M. (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Ground Control 

      Smedal, Kjetil (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • To Draw The Line 

      Winter, Lloyd Achim (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • FUTURELAB: Envisioning Abstract Phenomena 

      Urrego, Camila (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • Enclitic FeedbackMapping (EFM) 

      A.R. Heres, Alejandro (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)