Browsing Avdeling Kunst og håndverk (Art and Craft) by Document Types "Professional article"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Between the pen and the line: Digital drawing and the feeling of alienation and distance
(Professional article, 2023)Illustrert artikkel/visuelt essay om digital tegning Illustrated visual essay about digital drawing -
Der ligger et land mot den evige sne
(Professional article, 2023) -
(Professional article, 2018)I denne artikkelen skriver jeg om forholdet mellom hva ornamenter er og hvordan de blir oppfattet og misoppfattet. Jeg argumenterer for at ornamenter er sentrale i enhver billedbruk og forståelse. I Ornamentet ligger et ... -
Publishing, Mediating and Archiving Artists’ Books
(Professional article, 2021)Article commissioned by Codex Polaris; creating opportunities and exhibiting platforms for artists who work with books in Norway and the Nordic countries.