Oslo International Acting Festival 2013. Theme: The Audience
In 2013 the festival’s theme was “the audience”. The festival tried to question, problematize, explore and research performance approaches and acting techniques related to the audience: What happens when the audience is included from an early development stage of the performance? How can an actor train and strengthen his/her abilities to interact with the audience? How can a performance be created without losing focus from the audience in the rehearsal phase? What does the statement “enter into a dialogue with the audience” actually mean? How can a performer become aware of the audience role? Do different aesthetics need different audiences? Is the history of theater and performance also the history of audience perception? To what grade is the artist to change the world of the audience and to what grade is the audience to change the world of the performance?
Festival curators: Øystein Stene and Gianluca Iumiento.
Day 1:
-Audience as impulse: Interview with Laurent Chetouane
-Debate and the
Day 2:
-Performativity and the audience: Interview with Richard Schechner
-Debate and theoretical exchange
Day 3:
-Theatre of the oppressed: Interview with Gisella Mendoza
Day 4:
-Fix & Foxy workshop's final performance
-Debate and theoretical exchange
Day 5:
-Lecture performance: Interview with Veronika Bökkelmann
Day 6:
-Political activism: Interview with The Yes Men
-End debate and conclusion
Video recordings from Oslo International Acting Festival 2013, at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Jun 1-7, 2013.