Presentation Klækken 09.03.17
My research is on playwriting.
On writing plays.
I have called my research from 1:100 - and back again.
I have given myself the task to explore how to write a play, or plays - that presents a multitude of perspectives. Polyvocal texts that has at its core the fact that we live in communities. Together. To look at that which influences “us” – not just me.
My main question is: What can a play written from such a perspective look like? How do I write it, and what kind of ethical and formal implications will it have? And how will these implications leave their trace on the work I do and how I reflect around it?
In this presentation I write about what I have done in 2016, and present my plans for 2017.
Presentation of project at Artistic Research Forum, Klækken Hotell, March 9 2017.