Utkast til utsmykning. Materiale: Titan
Format : høyde 5m x lengde 25 m x bredde 1m. Samarbeidspartnere: Percent For Art Program New York,
Trygve Lie Plaza, Norske Konsulatet, FN. "The proposal is based on a sculpture which creates a symbolic link between Secretary General Trygve Lie and the United Nations.
The legacy of Trygve Lie is closely connected to the establishment of the U.N. Charter and his role as the very first General Secretary. In Article 1.of the U.N. Charter which Trygve Lie co-authored, the word - PEACE – is mentioned five times in the first paragraph. The sculpture links to the vision of Trygve Lie and to the ambitions and goals of the United Nations.
The sculpture is positioned on the north end of the Trygve Lie Peace Plaza which is a high profile site and will create a strong visible impression on the Plaza for pedestrians and automobile traffic.
Pedestrians walking around the sculpture will discover the portrait of Trygve Lie, his signature, and the inscription which is positioned at eye level:
Trygve Lie United Nations first Secretary General held the post for 7 years from 1946 – 1953.
Standing behind the sculpture facing the UN Headquarters the link between the portrait and the building becomes apparent and emphasizes his important role in the history of the United Nations.
The proposed site specific sculpture will be made in 4 mm stainless steel with a titanium surface. The scale will be 11ft. high and a total length of 67.3ft. Each letter in the word P-E-A-C-E will be based on a module of 11 ft. high x length 11 ft. and width of 1.6 ft."