dc.description.abstract | "Europe is an entity with frayed edges, the contours of which have changed constantly throughout the centuries – onto it have been projected controversial values and moral concepts, promise and failure, in equal measure. Despite this, Europe is the embodiment of a utopian community that not only allows for heterogeneity but regards it is a key quality.
>Scenarios about Europe<, a series of three exhibitions to be shown at the Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig in collaboration with the Goethe Institut, poses questions about a potential European community and what this would actually look like, since a European Union with a purely pragmatic focus does not allow its citizens sufficient opportunity for cultural identification. The curators work in a variety of disciplines and come from: Brussels/Belgium, Istanbul/Turkey, London/UK, Lódz/Poland, Minsk/Belarus, Novi Sad/Serbia, Oslo/Norway, San Sebastián/Spain and Taipei/Taiwan." Deltakere: Michaël Aerts, CANAN, Jovan Cekic, Zorica Colic, Köken Ergun, Dejan Grba, Živko Grozdanic, IRWIN, Asier Mendizabal, Tadej Pogacar, Nika Radic, Jura Shust, Slavs and Tatars, Hannes Zebedin. Visningssted: Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, Tyskland. Utstillingsperiode: 28.01.2012 - 25.03.2012. Sponsor: Goethe-Institut. | no_NO |