Now showing items 1540-1559 of 1592

    • W H E N T H E L O V E T A K E S O V E R 1/ E X T R E M E L Y L O U D A N D E X T R E M E L Y W I C K E D I N C R E D I B L Y C L O S E S H O C K I N G L Y V I L E 

      Hørran, Hedda (Masteroppgave Avdeling Kunstakademiet;, Master thesis, 2021)
      Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, MA Billedkunst, 2021
    • Walking Sonic Texts, Sound Poetry and Movement 

      Vonna-Michell, Tris (Visual arts, 2022)
      The Sonic Texts KUF project unfolded in various ways, and in some respects developed into outputs that were not necessarily anticipated but nonetheless still proved valuable in the evolution of the project. The core phase ...
    • Walter Benjamins død i Portbou. Libretto 

      Iunker, Finn (Book, 2017)
      Libretto til operaprosjekt med urpremiere på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo under Ultima den 16. september 2017. Inneholder 48 værkart (reanalyser) for dagene omkring Walter Benjamins død i september 1940. Kartene er utarbeidet av ...
    • Warburg og Atlaset 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-08-18)
      Presentasjon av plansjeverk og med kort forelesning, til KUF presentasjon på avdeling design 18.08.21 (KUF = kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og forskning).
    • Water City 

      Lasco, Jun Paul (Master Avdeling Design;, Master thesis, 2023)
      Master Avdeling Design, vår 2023
    • Water from the Waist Down 

      Kølbæk Iversen, Marie (Visual arts, 2018)
      A ritualistic event combining the film Star Messenger by Danish artist Marie Kølbæk Iversen with a percussion performance by Diana Policarpo (Lisbon) and Other Ways, a series of sculptures by Gaia Fugazza (Milan) which are ...
    • Waves 1 

      Schrøder, Tiril (Visual arts, 2023)
      Digital tegnet animasjon-laget i Photoshop. Digitally drawn animation made in photoshop.
    • We are winning 

      Kak, Kamil (Masteroppgave i Medium- og materialbasert kunst;, Master thesis, 2022)
      Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt. Avdeling Kunst og håndverk, 2022
    • We go around in circles at night and are devoured by fire 

      Dobre, Georgiana (Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2021)
      Audiovisuell og skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, MA Koreografi 2021
    • We wish you welcome to an active, inspiring and participatory day! 

      Gmelin, Felix (Lecture, 2017)
      We are being evaluated, but who is evaluating who, and on what terms? Today universities are obliged to be transparent and comparable by the “Bologna Process”, which is great for student mobility. But who is evaluating who ...

      Wilhelmsen, Annikken (Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024)
      I am a garment practitioner, and so are you. Wearing clothes, washing clothes, folding, touching, feeling, sensing, looking - Continuously engaging with materials in relation to our own bodies. We gather experiences, ...
    • Weaving Dialogues: Bridging Threads of Time, Nature, and Craft in Garment Making 

      Hansen, Sandra Holdal (Master Avdeling Design;Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • What is Cinematic? 

      Bull, Synne Tollerud; Miletic, Dragan; Gunning, Tom (Lecture, 2013-06-19)
      "A conversation across disciplines and modes between an artist and a critic. What is the Cinematic? Is there a way film reflects an experience—of vision, of movement, of synchronized sound—that is not limited to film and ...
    • What Is Culinary Spatial Practice? 

      Sassu, Josephine (Master Avdeling Design;Interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign, Master thesis, 2024)
    • What Oscillates 

      Graff, Ane (Visual arts, 2017)
      Skulptur. Del av utstillingen "Myths of the Marble". Vist på Henie Onstad kunstsenter 03. februar - 02. april 2017 og på Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania (ICA) 28. april - 06. august 2017.
    • "Wheeling" environmental humanities— Educating designers in excess of what designers do 

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2022-03-09)
      If—on our present horizon—design appears as environmental humanities gone live, education must be a key player in hatching and cultivating the awareness of this possibility. If—on our present horizon—design appears as ...
    • When suddenly she felt...gradually she felt...her lips moving 

      Nordström, Ellakajsa (Masteroppgave i billedkunst MA Kunstakademiet, Student paper, others, 2015)
      Skriftlig obligatorisk arbeid levert som del av MA avslutningsarbeid ved Kunstakademiet
    • While Reading Violence 

      Moshtaghi, Ronak (Masteroppgave i billedkunst MA Kunstakademiet, Student paper, others, 2017)
      Skriftlig obligatorisk arbeid levert som del av MA avslutningsarbeid ved Kunstakademiet
    • White to Earth 

      Johnslien, Marte (Book, 2020)
      The publication is produced in conjunction with the exhibition Hvitt til jord, ROM, Oslo, 21 January–23 February, 2020.The exhibition Hvitt til jord is the final presentation of Johnsliens artistic doctoral work, the project ...
    • «Wild Poem» - et KUF prosjekt med Marius Holth, i samarbeid med Carle Lange 

      Holth, Marius (Research report, 2020)
      «Wild poem» er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom sanger/komponist Marius Holth og scenograf Carle Lange. Vi vil utvikle et polyvokalt musikkteater der dramaet oppstår i møtepunktet mellom musikken, tekstene og det sceniske ...