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dc.contributor.authorCohen, Yaniv
dc.description.abstractProblem statement In this MA reflection paper, I delve into my artistic exploration centered around ADHD and hypersensitivity as influential factors. The paper delves into the background of these themes and their profound impact on the creative process and the embodiment of dancers in their performances. Additionally, it investigates how ADHD and hypersensitivity can shape the audience's experience, particularly in terms of immersion and self-perception. Motivated by a resistance to the external world and a desire to embrace myself without judgment, I set out to explore the following questions: I. How can a performance effectively simulate ADHD, providing individuals without the condition an opportunity to comprehend the sensations associated with it? II. How can attention deficit suggests a dramaturgy? III. How can heightened sensory perception, or over-sensing, serve as a valuable tool in the creative process?en_US
dc.publisherKunsthøgskolen i Osloen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMasteroppgave Avdeling Dans;Koreografi
dc.titleA(ttention) Deficit Delighten_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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