Browsing Avdeling Dans (The Academy of Dance) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
(Performing arts, 2014-02-26)A disorienting distortion of perception. Wearing costumes that enshroud their entire body and face, the audience circulates freely through the performance area, a space in which all manner of boundaries become blurred: the ... -
Hold Me Closely (From the Dark)
(Other type of report, 2015-08-25)Tekst av Jennifer Allen. Del av Eva-Cecilie Richardsens arrangement "Speaking and Building - processing choreographic relations", Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, 26.-29. august 2015. -
Play Pretend Backstage. A meditation on the Work of Eva-Cecilie Richardsen
(Lecture, 2015-08-25)Tekst av Kristian Skylstad. Del av Eva-Cecilie Richardsens arrangement "Speaking and Building - processing choreographic relations", Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, 25.-29. august 2015. -
Om Speaking & Building og Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
(Other type of report, 2015-08-25)Tekst av Jørn Mortensen. Del av Eva-Cecilie Richardsens arrangement "Speaking and Building - processing choreographic relations", Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, 25.-29. august 2015. Norsk og engelsk språk. -
Cosmic Body
(Performing arts, 2015-10-30)Cosmic Body is Ingri Fiksdal’s new expanse of choreographed lights, illusions, sounds, moving bodies and objects. Noticeable inspired by the idea of perpetual motion and kinetic flow, Fiksdal has constructed Cosmic Body ... -
(Non-fiction monograph, 2016)STATE is the deadly God who kneads and bakes our bread. The state has the power to form our will and show us how to perform our rituals. Like dough, the state is kneaded by its citizens, competing states, and raised by ... -
(Performing arts, 2016)Regissør Jonas Corell Petersen og koreograf Ingri Fiksdal har med STATE gått sammen om å lage en danseforestilling som grenser til konsert. Musikken er komponert av Lasse Marhaug, og danske Henrik Vibskov står for ... -
En hånd er en manet. Tekster fra 16 april – 26 oktober 2015
(Book, 2016)"Tingene leder . Jeg begynte å ta ting i hendene. Å bære rundt, gav meg følelsen av å eie. Av å romme noe utenfor meg selv. Å inkludere mer, gjorde kroppen lettere å bære. Jeg behøvde ikke å anstrenge meg så mye. ... -
Shadows of Tomorrow
(Performing arts, 2016-01-21)Shadows of Tomorrow is a reworking of Ingri Fiksdal’s production BAND from 2012. With Shadows of Tomorrow Fiksdal wants to create the immersive experience of a psychedelic concert, but only through moving bodies and light. ... -
Speaking and Building - processing choreographic relations. Photo documentation from the arrangement August 25th-29th 2015
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-04-26)"Speaking and Building - processing choreographic relations" er en del av markeringen som avslutter koreograf Eva-Cecilie Richardsens arbeid som stipendiat ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo og Program for kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid, ... -
Speaking and Building
(Popular science monograph, 2016-04-26)This publication is the first part of three interconnected works including "Speaking and Building - processing choreographic relations" / "The Wave of the Work" (arrangement) and "Choreopoetic" (text, publication) by ... -
Choreopoetic : text contributions from fourteen choreographic related (dance) artists
(Non-fiction monograph, 2016-04-26)Fra innledning av Eva-Cecilie Richardsen: "Choreopoetic gir et møte med 14 markante stemmer, som bidrar med koreografisk tekst - tekster som verk - skrevet spesielt for denne publikasjonen [...] Tekstene i Choreopetic ... -
Exhibiting Choreography – exploring transmission across disciplines and discourses. Disputas
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-09-30)I løpet av stipendiatperioden sin har Richardsen gjennom et omfattende researcharbeid og tverrestetiske eksperimenter undersøkt spørsmål rundt verksavgrensning, autonomi, kronologi og romlig persepsjon. Gjennom sin metode ... -
(Visual arts, 2017)With the Diorama performance series, Fiksdal stages particular views of natural and urban landscapes in different cities and contexts. The word “diorama” often refers to a three-dimentional model of a landscape, such as ... -
Session 1: Research fellows from the Academy of Dance
(Other presentation, 2018)Chrysa Parkinson, Professor of New Performative Practices (MA) at Stockholm University of the Arts (department of Dance), in conversation with the four research fellows at KHiO’s Academy of Dance – Ingri Fiksdal, Janne-Camilla ... -
Affective Choreographies
(Ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Dans, Doctoral thesis, 2018)This publication is a part of the outcome of Ingri Midgard Fiksdal’s artistic PhD project "Affective Choreographies" (2013-2018). The project started within the framework of The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme, and ... -
Deep Field
(Performing arts, 2018)Deep Field will be a performance for five dancers. It centers around running, and its affective qualities, both on behalf of the performers and the spectactors. Jenny Hval and Lasse Marhaug will compose the music. Amongst ... -
Thinking Alongside
(Doctoral thesis, 2018)The publication "Thinking Alongside" is an appendix to Ingri Midgard Fiksdal's artistic PhD project "Affective Choreographies" (2013-2018). The project started within the framework of The Norwegian Artistic Research Program, ... -
Dancing Recurrences
(Doctoral thesis, 2019)The collection of paper sheets that you are holding are the reflections of Dancing Recurrences – a performative practice within dance and dance-making. Dancing Recurrences, is an artistic research project by Brynjar Åbel ... -
Choreography as a meaning-generating aggregate
(Doctoral thesis, 2024)The focus of my research project has been to examine choreography as an aggregate of meaning production specific to dance, where habits of perceiving and understanding the body are probed, and an incentive is provided for ...