Now showing items 299-318 of 581

    • Mental health in dance: A scoping review 

      S. Dwarika, Michelle; Haraldsen, Heidi Marian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Research in dance psychology and mental health is rapidly growing. Yet, evidence in the field can seem dispersed due to few existing meta overviews that outline research in dance related to mental health. Therefore, the ...
    • Merce Cunningham og senmodernistisk formalisme i dansen 

      Jørgensen, Øyvind (Student paper, others, 2020)
      3. - 14. februar 2020: - 2 ukers undervisningsfordypning i Merce Cunningham teknikk, tenkning og kunstneriske aspirasjoner, for BA samtidsdans, BA klassisk ballett og MADA. Undervisning med teknikk trening, innstudering, ...
    • Mesterklasse: Historisk foreldet eller en fruktbar utviklingsmodell? 

      Kringlebotn, Solveig (Lecture, 2023)
      En mesterklasse for klassiske sangere er en undervisningsform der læreren/mentoren jobber med én og én sanger mens de andre sitter og ser på. Det er lang tradisjon for denne undervisningsformen innen klassisk sang, og i ...
    • Mesteruke – internasjonal konferanse om sangteknikk 

      Carlsen, Toril; Einarsson, Anna Elisabeth; Kringlebotn, Solveig (Other type of report, 2018)
      Internasjonal konferanse om sangteknikk, arrangert av Avdeling Operahøgskolen, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Sted: Den Norske Opera og Ballett Tidspunkt: 29. mai - 03. juni 2018 Konferansen er støttet av KUF-utvalget ved ...
    • Metalogue Tools 

      Raein, Maziar (Research report, 2021)
      "A metalogue is a conversation about some problematic subject. This conversation should be such that not only do the participants discuss the problem but the structure of the conversation as a whole is also relevant to the ...

      Barth, Theodor (Lecture, 2021-11-03)
      Prøve—bidraget søker å demonstrere en sidelengs transposisjon mellom panelverk, oppstilling og atlas. Oppstillingen undersøker posisjon, situasjon og opptak i tegning under feltarbeid, og plansjenes leselighet som panelverk ...
    • Mirrors 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2021-04-14)
      The flyer-series (dataset 1HEX) departs from the existence of mathematics in literary prose—for public exposés—in the Romantic era. And from here pursues the gross-fertilisation of group-theory in art and science. Featuring ...
    • MISS READ: Berlin Art Book Festival 2018 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena; Guttormsen, Beatrice; Macmillan, Elise; Reed, Erika; Pettersson, Jan Stefan; Christensen, Jeannette; Williams, Jessica; Tetrick, Lea Josephine; Roth, Liva Wraae; Fiorani, Lucia; Hellberg, Mattias; Bhuian, Md Wahiduzzaman; Bjørkendal, Nina; Tang, Yichun; Jeon, Youngshin; Johansson, Zoi (Visual arts, 2018)
      Founded in 2009, MISS READ is Europe’s major Art Book Festival, dedicated to community-building and creating a public meeting place for discourse around artists’ books, conceptual publications and publishing as practice. ...
    • Mitt Roma 

      Altern, Jan (Visual arts, 2008-11-01)
      Separatutstilling i Ål kulturhus, Hallingdal, 01.11.08 - 22.11.08
    • Mobiltelefon 

      Helgesen, Rune Elias (Design, 2010-01-28)
      Etsning 14x14 cm. Ferdigstilt: 2009. Innkjøpt til:
    • Models as rhythmic investigations 

      Barth, Theodor (Other type of report, 2023)
      This is an element of an exposition by Geir Harald Samuelsen based on the materials from an exhibition/seminar called Tracing Rhythms, as part of the DIKU project Matter, Gesture and Soul in November 2022. The piece ...
    • Models as rhythmic investigations: The itinerancy of intention through intercession, interruption and interception. 

      Barth, Theodor (Professional article, 2023)
      The piece is a contribution to an anthology developed by Geir Harald Samuelsen as part of the PKU project Matter, Gesture and Soul (DIKU) in the wake of a seminar, in a series hosted by the project: Tracing Rhythm. It ...
    • MONO.DIO.POLI.META.LOGUE – An Artistic Research Project 

      Raein, Maziar (Research report, 2020)
      Contributions from Tale Næss, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo ; Martin Asbjørnsen, External Researchers & Programmers ; Alejandro Rojas, External Researchers & Programmers ; Michiel Jansen, MINERVA Hanse University Groningen of ...
    • Monuments 

      Bergman, Aeron (Visual arts, 2009-11-29)
      Gouache på papir. "Series of 40 drawings of monuments for revolutions or riots." Samarbeidspartner: Alejandra Salinas. Ferdigstilt: 2009. Utgiver/ arrangør: Onomatopee and Van Abbemuseum. Eindhoven, Nederland. Sponsor: ...
    • MQAR—Matching Qualities in Artistic Research 

      Barth, Theodor (Conference lecture, 2022-01-21)
      Session #12 (Artistic Research Week 2022) Link to—Hands | The Double (Henrik Hellstenius and Ellen Ugelvik): Short name: MQAR (Matching Qualities in Artistic Research) Contributors: ...
    • MULTI:::VERS 

      Knutsen, Anne (Visual arts, 2011-01-21)
      Gruppeutstilling. MULTI:::VERS er et samarbeid mellom kunstnerne Karin Aurora Lindell, Beret Aksnes og Anne Knutsen og praksisforsker (phd) Guri Marie Steinsvik. Visningssted: Kulturbunker DORA, Trondheim, Norge. ...
    • My Body is My Business 

      Lislerud, Ole (Visual arts, 2012-02-02)
      Separatutstilling. Visningssted: Parken Kulturhus, Ålesund Kunstforening, Ålesund, Norge. Utstillingsperiode: 02.04.2011 - 27.04.2011.
    • Mystic landscapes 

      Schrøder, Tiril (Visual arts, 2011-03-14)
      Vandreutstilling arrangert av Østfolds fylkesgalleri Punkt Ø. Visningssted: Østfold, Norge. Utstillingsperiode: 01.01.2010 - 01.04.2010.
    • Møbler, akvareller og litt jazz 

      Gusrud, Svein Arild (Design, 2011)
      Separatutstilling. Kunstnerens beskrivelse: "Jeg stilte ut diverse stolprototyper i eget design (ca. 15 stk), ca. 13 egne akvareller. På åpningsdagen spilte jeg kontrabass med egen jazztrio på selve utstillingen. Jeg ...
    • Narrative Tensions in Strained Elite Junior Performers' Experiences of Becoming Elite Performers 

      Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Halvari, Hallgeir (Journal article, 2021-06-03)
      Contextualized within narrative theory and the field of talent identification and development systems (TIDS), this interview study examined strained junior elite performers’ experiences of becoming elite performers while ...