• Det som blir igjen 

      Luihn, Camilla (Visual arts, 2022)
      Prosjektet «Det som blir igjen» fokuserer på emaljens egenskaper som kunstnerisk medium. Gjennom farge, tekstur og komposisjon, skapes en mutasjon av malerisk substans og teknikk. Ved fordypning i de forskjellige forbindelsene, ...
    • Det som blir igjen 

      Luihn, Camilla (Visual arts, 2022)
      Kunstnerbok som følger prosjektet "Det som blir igjen". Artist book that has been a direct result of the project "What remains".
    • Devices 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-09-24)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] The flyer series series queries the aspects in which design can offer research qualities relevant to foundational questioning in the art-field, beyond the discursive boundaries ...
    • Didactics in Classical Ballet / Fagdidaktikk i klassisk ballett 

      Rodríguez, Tania (Lecture, 2016)
      Forelesning og workshop under Pedaggodagene, 18.-19. august 2016 i Oslo. Pedagogdagene er et samarbeidsarrangement mellom Norsk kulturskoleråd og Norges musikkhøgskole.
    • Digital Embodiment, Transforming Reduction into Tessellating Multi-Block Relief Prints 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Lecture, 2022)
      Victoria Browne is Associate Professor of Printmaking and Publishing, Art & Craft at KHiO.Her artistic practice is informed by post-industrial craft heritage and is situated at the intersection of tacit knowledge, machine ...
    • Digital Embodiment: Transforming Reduction into Tessellating Multi-block Relief Prints 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Lecture, 2022)
      This lecture delivers practice-led research from the artist’s position as print ‘maker’ within contemporary craft. The methodology embodies David Pye’s first-hand account of the workmanship of risk and the project integrates ...
    • Digital tegning 

      Schrøder, Tiril (Conference lecture, 2022)
      Forelesning under Kunsnerisk forskningsuke, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, 25. -27. januar 2022.
    • Digital Twin 

      Wester, Trine (Visual arts, 2018)
      Digital Twin består av to skulpturer i to utgaver; i digital versjon og i faktisk materie. I galleri-rommet møter publikum først arbeidene i materiell versjon. Her kan man gå rundt i rommet og betrakte arbeidene. Deretter ...
    • Digitus #01-#06 

      Barth, Theodor (Design, 2020-10-08)
      [WALKABOUT: click file NAVIGATION EXHIBIT] This flyer series (#01-06) is a modular diary for week 41. One of the topics is chance methods, and is reflected in the serendipitous progress of one flyer to the other. The ...
    • Dissemination of Knowledge 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Chapter, 2017)
    • Dog is Dog - a performance 

      Holmkvist, Saskia (Research report, 2019)
      Rapport fra prosjektet Dog is Dog (2017-2018) Prosjektet er støttet av KUF-utvalget ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo
    • Donut, Training Nature 

      Browne, Victoria Rowena (Visual arts, 2015)
      Participation at the exhibition "The Masters : Relief Prints", 3-15 November 2015. The Masters is a series of technique-specific open submission exhibitions held annually in the first two weeks of November at the Bankside ...
    • Dopamining 

      Wisløff, Isak (Other type of report, 2022)
      Dopamining is a title constructed by combining two words. A noun and a verb. Dopamine and mining. Roughly thirty different raw materials make up a total of 149 grams, which is the weight of an iPhone 6. The materials ...
    • Dopamining 2.0 / EXTRANCE video teaser 

      Wisløff, Isak (Design, 2023)
      Norsk: Andre runde (Dopamining 2.0) av prosjektet foregikk i Kina. Filmen EXTRANCE er en forgrening fra prosjektet Dopamining og tilfører nye perspektiver til forskingsprosjektets grunnstamme. Jeg dro til Xiamen med ...
    • Dopamining Utstilling Artistic Research Week 2023 

      Wisløff, Isak (Design, 2023)
      Dokumentasjon av utstilling Dopamining Artistic research Week 2023 på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Documentation of exhibition Dopamining during Artistic research Week 2023 at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.
    • Dorè GIF 

      Schrøder, Tiril (Visual arts, 2023)
      Tegnet GIF laget i Photoshop. Drawn GIF made in Photoshop.
    • Dossier in relation to the project Amor Rojo (film, Part 1) 

      Garcia, Dora (Research report, 2020)
      The figure of Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952), a Marxist theorist and October revolutionary, radical feminist and sexual activist at a time when those terms were not yet in use, is at the center of an experimental fiction ...
    • Dragon-zoo 

      Lindgren, Christina (Design, 2017)
      Dragon-zoo is the third performance for children 0 -3 years by Dieserud/ Lindgren. The performance is a zoological garden for dragons. The audience observe the three performers in the appearance as dragons in a setting ...
    • Drawing for Freedom 

      Christensen, Jeannette; Austbø, Anne Marit (Book, 2016)
      The art project” Drawing for Freedom” is a cooperation between the Norwegian human rights organization the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Academy of Fine Art of the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO). The ...
    • Drivpunktet : en håndbok for deg som vil jobbe skapende 

      Riege, Hanne (Book, 2020)
      Kropp, skaperkraft og vilje henger nøye sammen. De samles i det som i denne boka kalles drivpunktet. Med denne boken ønsker jeg at du kan bli kjent med din indre kraft. At den ikke bare dukker opp plutselig, men at du får ...