Browsing KHIODA by Document Types "Conference lecture"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Amor Rojo - a lecture
(Conference lecture, 2024)NO: En nettforelesning for Universität der Künste, Berlin, om min filmtrilogi Amor Rojo, 2020-2024 ENG: An online lecture for Universität der Künste (UdK), Berlin, on my film trilogy Amor Rojo, 2020-2024 -
Art and Design Schools in Transition: The Uncertain Future of the Workshop Model
(Conference lecture, 2013)Recent reforms in higher education promote standardization and comparability. However, the academic disciplines set the standard that the art and design schools are expected to adapt to. This new and more theoretical ... -
Artistic Research: Being There. Explorations into the Local - a presentation and launch of the anthology by co-editor and contributor Luisa Greenfield and Per Roar
(Conference lecture, 2019)Presentation and launch of the anthology "Artistic research : being there: explorations into the local" by co-editor and contributor Luisa Greenfield and Per Roar. Time: Wednesday 23 January 2019. Venue: Stage 4, KHiO. -
Between the pen and the line - Digital drawing and the feeling of alienation and distance
(Conference lecture, 2022)As an artist I today work mainly with digital drawing tools, but I also have this feeling of alienation towards digital drawing: As an artist educated around the 80s/90s, the classic analog drawing is the basis for my ... -
Conservation of Cultural Memories in Interiors - a Challenge for New Use
(Conference lecture, 2012)How can cultural memory values be preserved when an interior is transformed for new use? This question is relevant since not only buildings, but also interiors are being specified as heritage assets. How interiors and ... -
Digital tegning
(Conference lecture, 2022)Forelesning under Kunsnerisk forskningsuke, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, 25. -27. januar 2022. -
(Conference lecture, 2019-09-06)EAA (European Archaeological Association) THE CALL (Session #369); chair—Vincent Paladino): This session shall examine the relationship between material culture and rhythms, from visual art to music in an attempt to ... -
From 1 : 100 – and back again
(Conference lecture, 2015-10-21)I am an Artistic Research Fellow at Oslo National Academy of the arts, the Academy of Theatre. I am a playwright, author and dramaturge, and my research is in the field of performative text. My background is as an author. ... -
IMPACT 12: Printmaking Post-Graduates' Artistic Research
(Conference lecture, 2022)Recent International MFA Printmaking Graduate Presentations: Adrian Ranger, Oliver Hambsch, Ellen Burroughs, Fungai Marima, Saskia Morris, Helen Elizabeth, Stephen Fowler. -
Infrastructures for Artistic Research
(Conference lecture, 2023)Norsk: Infrastrukturer for kunstnerisk forskning, med Marwa Arsanios og Dora García Det ser ut til å være en viss konsensus om den gradvise konsolideringen av et eget forskningsfelt, nemlig kunstnerisk forskning. Det ... -
Learning to See: Contribution to an Analysis of the Teaching of Free Hand Drawing by Kari Liv Brundin Torjussen at Oslo National College of Art and Design, 1947-1990
(Conference lecture, 2013-05-22)Abstract: The National College of Art and Design (Norwegian abbreviation: SHKS) in Norway was established in 1818,as a school for educating craftsmen and artists. Until late 20 th century, free hand drawing was its ... -
Mary Jane Jacob og Merete Røstad: Kammer
(Conference lecture, 2017)Kunstner og stipendiat ved Kunst og håndverk Merete Røstad, som har laget lydskulpturen Kammer utenfor Munchmuseet, og kurator Mary Jane Jacob, kjent for sine stedsspesifikke prosjekter forankret i ulike samfunnsgrupper, ... -
Materiality of Ink
(Conference lecture, 2023)In this one-day seminar at KHiO, international leading experts in their academic, artistic, manufacturing, and scientific fields of research responded to Barbara Balfour’s Inkling, Thinking About Ink (2022). An exhibition ... -
MQAR—Matching Qualities in Artistic Research
(Conference lecture, 2022-01-21)Session #12 (Artistic Research Week 2022) Link to—Hands | The Double (Henrik Hellstenius and Ellen Ugelvik): Short name: MQAR (Matching Qualities in Artistic Research) Contributors: ... -
Occupying Opera
(Conference lecture, 2022)Todagersseminaret Occupying opera, renewing the form through co-creation with young performers var et samarbeid mellom VoxLAB og Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo med fokus på operapedagogikk og unge utøvere. -
Ora pro Nobis; Development of Western Meditative Traditions through Form
(Conference lecture, 2009-11-18)Bidrag til konferansen "The Art of Research; Processes, Results and Contributions", University of Art and Design, Helsinki (UIAH). Tidspunkt: 24.11.2009. -
(Conference lecture, 2019-09-07)EAA (European Archaeological Association) Session #366—Chair: Paul Bouissac PREAMBLE—when I use the term ‘post-historical’ it is not in the sense of postmodern theory, but in the sense of Fredrik Barth (my mentor in ... -
Printmaking in the Expanded Field
(Conference lecture, 2015)"Printmaking in the Expanded Field" took place at Oslo National Academy of Arts september 15-18th, 2015. The seminar took 5 years to develop and was initiated by professor Jan Pettersson, head of the Printmaking Department, ... -
Re-evaluating Gestures
(Conference lecture, 2023)Norsk: Symposiet Time as Medium var en lang prosess med organisering, i samarbeid med Astrup Fearnley Museet. I praksis støttet museet symposiet ved å legge til honorarer til hver foredragsholder og hjelpe til med middag ... -
Research large format Photogravure: Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops.
(Conference lecture, 2023)I have for the past 25 years researched old photomechanical processes where my main focus has been especially photogravure or heliogravure on copper. I have also researched photoetching & collotype. This lecture will ...