Browsing Avdeling Kunst og håndverk (Art and Craft) by Title
Now showing items 33-37 of 37
The Participatory Monument — Remembrance and Forgetting as Art Practice in Public Sphere
(Visual arts, 2019)Photo documentation from Merete Røstad's Ph.d-project The Participatory Monument — Remembrance and Forgetting as Art Practice in Public Sphere. Image credits: Steffen Kørner, Steffen Aaland, Alette Schei Rørvik, Katrine ... -
The Stubborn Life of Objects
(Doctoral thesis, 2017)Reflection on an artistic research project 2012-2017. -
Viva Voce Yuka Oyama: The Stubborn Life of Objects
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-09-07)Yuka Oyama defended her resarch work "The Stubborn Life of Objects" at Oslo National Academy of the Arts on September 7, 2017. Evaluation Comittee: Prof. Nina Malterud, University of Bergen ; Prof. Suska Mackert, Akademie ... -
Vorma, august 2018
(Visual arts, 2019)Vorma, august 2018 (2018–) Broderi på lin (12 cm x 25 m), trådpalett (482 farger fra serien DMC Mouliné Spécial 25), notatbok med fargeregistreringer, liste med motiver, trådsett i konvolutter og materiale for trådsett ... -
White to Earth
(Book, 2020)The publication is produced in conjunction with the exhibition Hvitt til jord, ROM, Oslo, 21 January–23 February, 2020.The exhibition Hvitt til jord is the final presentation of Johnsliens artistic doctoral work, the project ...