Browsing KHIODA by Subject "Opera"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Contemporary Vocal Arts Training: Renewing the opera form through new pedagogical practices that expand the role of the singer
(Lecture, 2021)Avdeling Operahøgskolen ønsker å arrangere en tredagers konferanse på KHiO 27.-29. august 2021, med fokus på operapedagogikk og moderne stemmebruk. Målet med konferansen er å undersøke den pedagogiske praksisen som trengs ... -
PROTOCOLS for theorising (MA)
(Design, 2022-08-03)The attached files feature a protocol in 3 facets featuring an immersive approach to investigations that MA students may benefit from in developing a personal line of investigation, yet communicating at a transpersonal and ... -
(Dataset, 2021-06-07)The present flyer-series (#01-#06, 1HEX) is a parcours, in which an attempt is made to tile a specific realm: a tour of KHiO—reminiscing from home, and on campus receptively—in a particular phase of the pandemic. The ... -
Semiosis #01-#06
(Dataset, 2021-09-02)This flyer-series of 6 elements (1HEX) features 6 contrastive panels, conceived as scenographic elements for theory development from, in and for performance. The series departs from reasoned learning outcomes from a ...