• Affective Choreographies 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Ph.d. i kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid - Avdeling Dans, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      This publication is a part of the outcome of Ingri Midgard Fiksdal’s artistic PhD project "Affective Choreographies" (2013-2018). The project started within the framework of The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme, and ...
    • Cosmic Body 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Performing arts, 2015-10-30)
      Cosmic Body is Ingri Fiksdal’s new expanse of choreographed lights, illusions, sounds, moving bodies and objects. Noticeable inspired by the idea of perpetual motion and kinetic flow, Fiksdal has constructed Cosmic Body ...
    • Deep Field 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Performing arts, 2018)
      Deep Field will be a performance for five dancers. It centers around running, and its affective qualities, both on behalf of the performers and the spectactors. Jenny Hval and Lasse Marhaug will compose the music. Amongst ...
    • Diorama 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Visual arts, 2017)
      With the Diorama performance series, Fiksdal stages particular views of natural and urban landscapes in different cities and contexts. The word “diorama” often refers to a three-dimentional model of a landscape, such as ...
    • HOODS 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Performing arts, 2014-02-26)
      A disorienting distortion of perception. Wearing costumes that enshroud their entire body and face, the audience circulates freely through the performance area, a space in which all manner of boundaries become blurred: the ...
    • Koreografisk metode. En samling 

      Bøen, Karen Eide; Moshthagi, Rosa; Pratt, Shi; Robertsen, Simen Korsmo; Støvind, Kristian; Westgård, Bente Alice; Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Masteroppgave i koreografi MA Balletthøgskolen, Student paper, others, 2015)
      Skriftlig obligatorisk arbeid levert som del av MA avslutningsarbeid ved Avdeling Balletthøgskolen. Bidrag av: Karen Eide Bøen, Roza Moshtaghi, Shi Pratt, Simen Korsmo Robertsen, Kristian Støvind, Bente Alice Westgård. ...
    • Shadows of Tomorrow 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Performing arts, 2016-01-21)
      Shadows of Tomorrow is a reworking of Ingri Fiksdal’s production BAND from 2012. With Shadows of Tomorrow Fiksdal wants to create the immersive experience of a psychedelic concert, but only through moving bodies and light. ...
    • STATE 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Performing arts, 2016)
      Regissør Jonas Corell Petersen og koreograf Ingri Fiksdal har med STATE gått sammen om å lage en danseforestilling som grenser til konsert. Musikken er komponert av Lasse Marhaug, og danske Henrik Vibskov står for ...

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard; Petersen, Jonas Corell (Non-fiction monograph, 2016)
      STATE is the deadly God who kneads and bakes our bread. The state has the power to form our will and show us how to perform our rituals. Like dough, the state is kneaded by its citizens, competing states, and raised by ...
    • Thinking Alongside 

      Fiksdal, Ingri Midgard (Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      The publication "Thinking Alongside" is an appendix to Ingri Midgard Fiksdal's artistic PhD project "Affective Choreographies" (2013-2018). The project started within the framework of The Norwegian Artistic Research Program, ...