#01-06 panels
This flyer-series explores som aspects of flat media that are implicit, readily escape our attention and are largely unplanned. That is, the liminal aspects of flat media featuring interactive affordances of doors, corridors, wanderings and remembrance: interactive aspects of such media which we here—for convenience—call panels (with an intellectual provenance from Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne).
Flat media that are verging unto the conceptual and documentary, without taking neither the full step to a concept nor a document: because they remain receptive to—and convey—a certain inaction and passivity. Of course, they are not defined completely in this way, since they are active up to a point. And then something else takes over, which is inert and resists till accepted.
What they resist is interpretation. And thereby feature a non-symbolic, non-semiotic and non-linguistic terrain—beyond this dominion—for a receptivity that will be summoned only on condition that interpretation is left behind, with a prompt addressing the bewildering human ability to experience. Areas in which human beings have an intellectual ability close to a cephalopod.
That is, the ability to cleave to reality: to stick—as by suction—and feel, at once very accurately and with no blueprint/construct for it. Of course, we are not defined completely in this way, since we are symbolic, semiotic and linguistic up to a point. Then something else takes over. The panel is the telescoping door, giving unto corridors in wandering remembrances tangential to this experience.
There is no way around it. Sensitive as we are to the deeper motions of the self: an agent intellect within and beyond us. Our ability and sensitivity to collective learning: its movement, content and level of excellence: above all, the twists and turns of individuation—whether the individual is an entire class (at certain turns), a book, numeric individuals, an exam situation or school norms.
In the two first flyers, written approval has been requested from Ilayda Keskinaslan and Pinelopi Spanou to have their names mentioned. They have both approved in writing.
6 flyers (1 Hex): #01—attempt; #02—try again; #03—do something else; #04—return; #05—unlearn; #06—cross over.