Masteroppgaver MA Dans og MA Koreografi
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Nye registreringer
Soo Fadhiiso
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;Koreografi, Master thesis, 2023)“Soo Fadhiiso” was staged on stage 5 and premiered on the 5th of May, 2023. It included five performances altogether. The timeline of the party is reversed, which means the performance starts with a melancholic afterparty. ... -
Push Majeure
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2023)English: This paper represents the parts of my reflection that I was able to fit into words concerning the graduation performance Push Majeure. The last two years has been a journey for me, as I was able to delve into ... -
Creating Rock-a-bye
(Master thesis, 2023)Norsk: Oppgaven beskriver prosesser, metoder og refleksjoner rundt arbeidet med MA koreografiprosjektet Rock-a-bye. English: The thesis describes the process, methods and reflections around the creation of the MA ... -
It's Very Dramatic
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2023)Norsk: Refleksjonsoppgave om forestillingen og prosessen bak "It's Very Dramatic" av Fie Dam Mygind, master i dans 2023. English: Reflection paper on the piece and process of "It's Very Dramatic", created by Fie Dam ... -
to the sides of this body
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2023)This is a written reflection on the performance and process of making "to the sides of this body" together with Marlene Bonnesen during our MA in Dance. -
I am the guest. You are the host. The dance is the ghost.
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;Koreografi, Master thesis, 2023)‘I am the guest. You are the host. The dance is the ghost’(IYD) is a choreographic framework that focuses on how to hold space and time for the dance-making process and how to be together, and how to create space that ... -
A(ttention) Deficit Delight
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;Koreografi, Master thesis, 2023)Problem statement In this MA reflection paper, I delve into my artistic exploration centered around ADHD and hypersensitivity as influential factors. The paper delves into the background of these themes and their profound ... -
My name is Ruoxi
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;Koreografi, Master thesis, 2023)In this reflection paper, I have shared my personal growth story and my name, and described the process of transforming my inspiration into a work and presenting it on stage. Through creating the piece "My name is Ruoxi," ... -
In the Aftermaths of MA Dance Performance Taste of Purple
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2023)Norsk: En skriftlig refleksjon over skapelsen og utøvelsen av forestillingen Taste of Purple, av og med Oda Olivia Øverbø Lindegård, vist 28.-31. mars 2023 på Scene 1, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Forestillingen har vokst ut ... -
''Home grown allure'' Solo dance performance and exhibition of ‘’somatic drawings’ created as a final project at MA in Dance at Oslo National Academy of Arts 2023
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2023)English: Reflection paper on '' Home grown allure'' : a solo dance performance and exhibition of ‘’somatic drawings'' describing creative process, inspiration and references used in the piece. Norsk: Denne teksten ... -
To the sides of this body
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2023)English: This thesis is about the creation of the duo work 'to the sides of this body'. It is written from a dancer's perspective, and revolves around how we, as dancers, can create the physical material from within. ... -
We go around in circles at night and are devoured by fire
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2021)Audiovisuell og skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, MA Koreografi 2021 -
47: A reflection
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2021)Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt. Avdeling Dans, 2021 -
The Process of Creating R E S P A C E
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2021)Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, MA Dans, 2021 -
Dis(placed) Shadows
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2021)Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, MA Koreografi, 2021 -
Reflection paper on Unfinished Busyness
(Masteroppgave Avdeling Dans;, Master thesis, 2021)Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, MA Dans, 2021 -
Gift of stone - osloedition
(Avgangsforestilling MA Dans;, Master thesis, 2019)Masteroppgave i koreografi. Et samarbeid med Johan Sara jr, Ramona Salo Myrseth og Torgrim Hermansen Halvari, der forholdet mellom landskap, samisk kultur og menneske har stått sentralt i arbeidet. Dans og koreografi av ... -
Koreografisk metode. En samling
(Masteroppgave i koreografi MA Balletthøgskolen, Student paper, others, 2015)Skriftlig obligatorisk arbeid levert som del av MA avslutningsarbeid ved Avdeling Balletthøgskolen. Bidrag av: Karen Eide Bøen, Roza Moshtaghi, Shi Pratt, Simen Korsmo Robertsen, Kristian Støvind, Bente Alice Westgård. ...