Peer to peer
Kauppila, Toni; Bræin, Kirsti; Verheijden, Bob; Lie, Lisa; Guttormsen, Itonje Søimer; Graff, Ane; Guttu, Ane Hjort; Björkman, Sofia; Navarrete, Jorge Manilla
Four artists and professionals engaged at Oslo National Academy of the Arts have been challenged to invite a peer/colleague to a dialogue about their practice. Based on previous years' experience at the Artistic Research Week, these conversations have proven to be fruitful for the dialogue partners and the audience.
Toni Kauppila and Kirsti Bræin in conversation with Bob Verheijden.
Lise Lie in conversation with Itonje Søimer Guttormsen.
Ane Graff in conversation with Ane Hjort Guttu.
Jorge Manilla Navarrete in conversation with Sofia Björkman.
Video recordings. Artistic Research Week 2019. Time: Thursday 24 January. Venue: Stage 4, KHiO