Learning Art
The presentation will describe and discuss a recently initiated research project at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. The project is called Learning Art (in Danish: Kunst og læring), and it consists of four Ph.D.-projects covering different fields of knowledge at the academy and a senior research project gathering the findings and developing a conceptual framework for project as a whole.
The purpose of the project is twofold: First of all, to focus on the specific kind of knowledge and pedagogical skills it takes to bring out the individual artistic expression in the students at the academy, and second to gain knowledge as an institution in education on third cycle level and in working with research on a collective and cross disciplinary level.
In my presentation I will talk about the scientific as well as the institutional purpose of the project and also about the practical challenges of carrying out a project of this kind in an artistic institution as The Royal Danish Academy of Music.
Video recording of lecture (length 00:33:36). Artistic Research Week 2019. Time: 22 January. Venue: Main auditorium, KHiO