Browsing KHIODA by Document Types "Journal article"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
An exploration of reciprocity among teacher and students in female pre-professional ballet education: a shared reality theory perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The purpose of the present study was to explore perceptions of shared reality in teacher-student partnerships in ballet, and how these perceptions were related to experiences of quality in the relationship and well-being. ... -
An exploration of reciprocity between female athletes and their coach in elite junior swimming: a shared reality theory perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
The Biennial Form and the Narration of History: Thinking through “The Ghost Ship and the Sea Change"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Exhibitions are powerful tools for the staging of historical narratives. Since the 1960s, historiography through exhibition-making has undergone a re-conception through artistic and curatorial practice. Contemporary art ... -
Europæerne - Fix&Foxys postdramatiske tilgang til klassikerne
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)I Europæerne. En postdramatisk tilgang til klassikerne, forsøger Mads Thygesen i forlængelse af HansThies Lehmanns tanker om det postdramatiske teater at vise, hvordan iscenesættelsen anvender klassikerne som et redskab ... -
FormAkademisk. Tema: Tegning
(Journal article, 2018-10-10)Temanummer gitt ut i forbindelse med 200-årsjubileet til Tegneskolen ved KHiO, 10.10.2018. Det kommer ut digitalt på og som fysisk avis. (Tospråklig, engelsk/norsk). Sjefsredaktør: Janne Reitan ... -
Grafiken i Norge. Utbildningsinstitutioner, verkstäder, publik, Munch och Drottning Sonja
(Journal article, 2018)Efter att ha tillbringat 10 år i New York som konstnär där jag arbetat primärt inom grafik och måleri, anlände jag i början av augusti 1995 till Vestlandets Kunstakademi i Bergen, Norge för att ta en tjänst där som förste ... -
KALEID 2016 Oslo. The Field of Distribution
(Journal article, 2016-06-01)Victoria Browne speaks to Nancy Campbell about KALEID editions, an initiative that represents books by Europe-based artists at art book fairs and through advocacy with museum special collections. -
Kunsten å felle en kirsebærallé
(Journal article, 2017)Offentligheten er det stedet som gir oss mulighet til å handle politisk, sier Hannah Arendt. I invitasjonen til seminaret «om det politiske i scenekunsten» skriver Ingri Fiksdal og Valborg Frøysnes at denne offentligheten ... -
Material Empathy in the Manufacture of a Multi-block Printed Wallcovering
(Journal article, 2023)This paper reflects on the interconnection between studio and factory production as the merging and metamorphosis of my printmaking practice. Specifically, the ‘process of correspondence’ (Ingold, 2013) in the making of ... -
Mental health in dance: A scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research in dance psychology and mental health is rapidly growing. Yet, evidence in the field can seem dispersed due to few existing meta overviews that outline research in dance related to mental health. Therefore, the ... -
Narrative Tensions in Strained Elite Junior Performers' Experiences of Becoming Elite Performers
(Journal article, 2021-06-03)Contextualized within narrative theory and the field of talent identification and development systems (TIDS), this interview study examined strained junior elite performers’ experiences of becoming elite performers while ... -
Negotiating Narrative Identity in Intercultural Context - the Role of Applied Theatre
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops
(Journal article, 2022)Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops -
Researching public art and public space: Editorial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This special issue is devoted to research on the changing paradigms of public art, and of public spaces. Today all art can be characterized as public since it is mediated via relational networks. The shift of paradigm from ... -
Space for interference
(Journal article, 2011-06)The article aims to show that the theory of open and autopoietic systems may be applied in such a way as to transcend the sterile opposition between autonomy aesthetics and culturalism. A theory of contemporary and modern ... -
Staging dislocation: Notes on finished and unfinished work
(Journal article, 2014)Artikkel publisert i tidsskriftet "Vector - Critical Research in Context". Tidsskriftet utkommer årlig. Tittel på 2014-utgivelsen: "Critical Theories and Creative Practices of Research." Redaktør: Catalin Gheorge. Utgitt ... -
Striper - sett i lys av Schillers ideer om menneskets grunndrifter i form
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Striper blir i denne studien undersøkt gjennom Friedrich Schillers konsepter om menneskets tre grunndrifter i form; formdrift, stoffdrift og lekedrift. Schillers teoretiske begreper brukes til å fokusere på forskning om ... -
Three Incidents at the Border of Genre
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)From a perspective of conceptual economy, rather than the specialized literature on genre, this text discusses what genre divisions can do when applied to cultural artifacts compared to other forms of classification or ... -
Thriving, Striving, or Just Surviving? TD Learning Conditions, Motivational Processes and Well-Being Among Norwegian Elite Performers in Music, Ballet, and Sport
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study explored the motivational experiences of nine successful elite performers in ballet, music, and swimming at Norwegian talent development (TD) schools. Semistructured interviews were conducted. Thematic analysis ...