Browsing KHIODA by Subject "Aby Warburg"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
#01-06 the phygital
(Design, 2021-08-26)During an Artistic Research day at KHiO’s dpt. of design (13.08.21), PhD fellow Ida Falck Øien asked the co-author (Theodor Barth) a direct question on how to incorporate diary-keeping into the practices of arenas devoted ... -
(Design, 2022-01-24)Contribution to ARW 2022 (Artistic Research Week at KHiO). Exhibit #14/1 is a lineup: a forensic panel with elements in different materials that serve to document findings and drive a query. The panel documents the reading ... -
Binswanger #01-06
(Design, 2021-09-09)Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) was a clinical psychiatrist, a philosopher and the founder og existential analysis in psychology. He was translated into French by Michel Foucault. His ideas are adjacent to Maurice Merleau ... -
black spot #01-06
(Design, 2021-10-08)The flyer series draws up an often neglected discussion on late mediaeval/renaissance backdrop of modernism: whether referring to the Bauhaus, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Duchamp or Le Corbusier. The series are panels ... -
Excavation #01-06
(Design, 2021-09-21)In this flyer-series, content is queried as a vectored relationship between image and writing. The reference framework is Samuel Beckett’s queries in the “novellas” Ill Seen Ill Said/Company/ Worstward Ho/Stirrings Still ... -
QUAD III—synecdoche #01-06
(Dataset, 2021-08-13)This flyer-series is part of the QUAD-quadrilogy from the summer 2021. QUAD contains a double reference: 1) Samuel Beckett’s choreography named QUAD; 2) A set of positions posited by Bruno Latour to explore and map a ... -
Semiosis #01-#06
(Dataset, 2021-09-02)This flyer-series of 6 elements (1HEX) features 6 contrastive panels, conceived as scenographic elements for theory development from, in and for performance. The series departs from reasoned learning outcomes from a ... -
Warburg og Atlaset
(Lecture, 2021-08-18)Presentasjon av plansjeverk og med kort forelesning, til KUF presentasjon på avdeling design 18.08.21 (KUF = kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og forskning).