Browsing KHIODA by Title
Now showing items 327-346 of 1599
Being in the body: a shape, a pause, a rhythm - bend your fucking knees!
(Avgangsforestilling MA Teaterhøgskolen, Student paper, others, 2017)Masteroppgave fra teater (skuespillerfag) med tekst av Anfinnsen. Handler om en reise i klovnens hemmeligheter. Monologutdrag fra: Alaska ; Det smalt -
Being on the Beach. Exploring Sensomotoric Awareness in a Landscape
(Visual arts, 2011-01-24)Aesth/Ethics in Environmental Change. Transdisciplinary workshop about the aesthetics, ethics, art, religion and ecology of the environment. The European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment, Religious ... -
Being with Spinoza
(HEX-base;, Visual arts, 2020-03)The flyer-series develops an experimental companionship with Spinoza's Ethics, under the conditions of the Corona pandemia (Spring 2020). On this backdrop a 'plateau-assemblage' of learning-outcomes and reflections on ... -
(Bacheloroppgave i tekstil;, Bachelor thesis, 2022)Skriftlig del av bacheloroppgave, avdeling Kunst og håndverk 2022 -
Benedict Beldam
(Bacheloroppgave i billedkunst BA Kunstakademiet;, Bachelor thesis, 2019)Avgangsarbeid av Benedict Beldam, BA billedkunst. Essay "Om noen steiner" og fotografier av kunstverk i avgangsutstilling. Fotograf: Øystein Thorvaldsen. -
The best is around the corner
(Masteroppgave i billedkunst;, Master thesis, 2022)Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt, Kunstakademiet, 2022. -
Between the pen and the line - Digital drawing and the feeling of alienation and distance
(Conference lecture, 2022)As an artist I today work mainly with digital drawing tools, but I also have this feeling of alienation towards digital drawing: As an artist educated around the 80s/90s, the classic analog drawing is the basis for my ... -
Between the pen and the line: Digital drawing and the feeling of alienation and distance
(Professional article, 2023)Illustrert artikkel/visuelt essay om digital tegning Illustrated visual essay about digital drawing -
Bevegelige bølger
(Bacheloroppgave i tekstil;, Bachelor thesis, 2022)Skriftlig del av bacheloroppgave, avdeling Kunst og håndverk 2022 -
Bevegelse helt enkelt : en pedagogisk didaktisk analyse av Kinetic Awareness, en bevegelsesbevisstgjøringsteknikk for dansere
(Eksamensoppgave praktisk pedagogisk utdanning Avdeling Balletthøgskolen, dans, Student paper, others, 2011-06-01)Avsluttende eksamensoppgave. Årsenhet, praktisk pedagogisk utdanning i dans ved Avdeling Balletthøgskolen, 2011 -
Beyond the Chapter - The 5th Shanghai Intaglio Exhibition
(Visual arts, 2017)Su Yansheng, Curator, Director and Professor of the Department of Painting, Fine Art School, Shanghai Normal University. The cultural construction of the digital age has brought about rapid changes in contemporary art. ... -
The Biennial Form and the Narration of History: Thinking through “The Ghost Ship and the Sea Change"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Exhibitions are powerful tools for the staging of historical narratives. Since the 1960s, historiography through exhibition-making has undergone a re-conception through artistic and curatorial practice. Contemporary art ... -
Big Kahuna
(Visual arts, 2008)Performance/Video installasjon. Samarbeidspartner: Alejandra Salinas. Visningssted: Circular / Capella Maria da Guia, Vila do Conde, Portugal. Sponsor: Circular. Ajuntamiento da Vil do Conde. -
Binswanger #01-06
(Design, 2021-09-09)Ludwig Binswanger (1881-1966) was a clinical psychiatrist, a philosopher and the founder og existential analysis in psychology. He was translated into French by Michel Foucault. His ideas are adjacent to Maurice Merleau ... -
Bjørnar Sira
(Bacheloroppgave i billedkunst BA Kunstakademiet;, Bachelor thesis, 2019)Avgangsarbeid av Bjørnar Sira, BA billedkunst. Essay "Havet er historien" og fotografier av kunstverk i avgangsutstilling. Fotograf: Øystein Thorvaldsen. -
black spot #01-06
(Design, 2021-10-08)The flyer series draws up an often neglected discussion on late mediaeval/renaissance backdrop of modernism: whether referring to the Bauhaus, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Duchamp or Le Corbusier. The series are panels ... -
Blå Menn
(Design, 2012)Prototype stol 2012 Pentagon Bøk + messing Sittehøyde 450 Bjørn Jørund Blikstad -
(Visual arts, 2013-03-03)Gruppeutstilling i samarbeid med DSGNKNTR/Bjørn Jørund Blikstad. Visningssted: Blåmann, Bærum. Utstillingsperiode: 02.11.2012-09.11.2012 -
Blått vann
(Visual arts, 2013-06-05)Verket består av to "blå vann" i høybrent porselæn som er plassert i en sansehage. Et rundt "vann" med diameter 350 cm og retangulært "vann" på 125 x 700 cm. Begge "vann" er belyst med ledlys som kan skifte fargetemper ... -
Bli Arne Næss
(Avgangsforestilling MA Teaterhøgskolen, Student paper, others, 2017)En reiseskildring fra Tvergastein. Masteroppgave i teater (regi) med regi av Uhlbors. Skuespillere: Arturo Tovar, Kjersti Aas Stenby, master skuespill.