Now showing items 1181-1200 of 1599

    • Report conference "On Directing" 17-19.03, KHIO Oslo 

      Hodne, Runar (Other type of report, 2017)
      Konferanse arrangert av Runar Hodne. Deltagere: Studenter og pedagoger fra Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch", Berlin ; Den Danske Scenekunstskole, Köbenhavn, Dramatiska Institutet, Stockholm ; Teaterhögskolan i ...
    • Reprise: Das virtuose Haus 

      Winterling, Susanne M. (Visual arts, 2012-09-28)
      Solo exhibition at Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz, Austria. 28.09.2012 - 04.11.2012
    • Research large format Photogravure: Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops. 

      Pettersson, Jan Stefan (Conference lecture, 2023)
      I have for the past 25 years researched old photomechanical processes where my main focus has been especially photogravure or heliogravure on copper. I have also researched photoetching & collotype. This lecture will ...
    • Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops 

      Pettersson, Jan Stefan (Lecture, 2021)
      This lecture concerns research into historical print archives/institutions as well as other relevant archives.
    • Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops 

      Pettersson, Jan Stefan (Conference lecture, 2021)
      Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops
    • Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops 

      Pettersson, Jan Stefan (Journal article, 2022)
      Researching historical print archives to integrate 'found' knowledge into post-digital printmaking workshops
    • Researching public art and public space: Editorial 

      Schmedling, Olga (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This special issue is devoted to research on the changing paradigms of public art, and of public spaces. Today all art can be characterized as public since it is mediated via relational networks. The shift of paradigm from ...
    • Resilience and Ethics in Dance Education - Scoping Review 

      Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Dwarika, Michelle Schachtler (Research report, 2021)
      The REDE Scoping review is an initially step towards creating a research -based foundation for future REDE studies, and aim to answering broad questions and describe existing literature on REDE relevant topics of a) teaching ...
    • RESPONS 

      Køster Holst, Katrine (Visual arts, 2018)
      Videoen består av to deler. DEL 1: I 2016 inviterte jeg en rekke kolleger fra flere kunstfelt til et prosjektrom på Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, hvor de ble presentert for tolv keramikktavler. Etter instrukser skulle de respondere ...
    • Return to the real 

      Wester, Trine (Visual arts, 2013-06-07)
      Fotobok. Artists' book nr.1 av 6 som dokumenterer FOU-arbeid innen digital fabrikasjon og problemstillinger knyttet til dette. Plassert i biblioteket ved Kunsthøgkolen i Oslo.
    • Reunited with its future: Akerselva as project generator 

      Kauppila, Toni; Grønning, Øystein (Other Student thesis, 2023)
      Students: Niels Peter Torp Bie, Mathias Brask-Nilsen Malm, Alejandro Alberto Rebollar Heres, Josephine Sassu, Kjetil Smedal, Charlotte Mathilde Friis, Lloyd Achim Winter
    • RHEME 

      Wisløff, Isak (Design, 2022-11-07)
      Literally a rheme (project title) defines a clause that gives information about the theme, but does not follow from the theme: e.g. it provides new information. In this project, we have let a selection of emoticons from ...
    • Rhythmic Interceptions 

      Barth, Theodor (Other type of report, 2022-12-06)
      THE PROBLEM: The collection of items available as uploads (left) are broadly concerned with a class of rhythmic events that that contain disturbing elements, or “hiccups”. Example: Firstly, secondly, weirdly and ...
    • Ringvirkninger 

      Kvalheim, Karoline (Masteroppgave i Medium- og materialbasert kunst;, Master thesis, 2022)
      Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt. Avdeling Kunst og håndverk, 2022
    • Rise of the Haptagon 

      Blikstad, Bjørn Jørund; Strøm, Sigurd (Design, 2014)
      Hyperbol flatedannelse med utgangspunkt i en kronologisk fortsettelse av papirkonstruksjon av de platonske legemer til regulær heptagonal tesselering.
    • “Rite of Passage” Project Description 

      Vaseghi, Morteza (Master Avdeling Design; Klesdesign og kostymedesign, Master thesis, 2023)
      Master i Design; Klesdesign og kostymedesign
    • Rivning - lesning 

      Winterhalder, Nelly (Avgangsforestilling MA Teaterhøgskolen, Student paper, others, 2015)
      Rivning er en fortelling om en altomfattende oppløsning som skaper rom for noen av de rareste, tristeste, mest absurde og eksistensielle opplevelsene i et liv. Hemmeligheter avsløres, og mennesket viser seg. Demens. Tekst ...
    • Roadkill: å finne mening i det meningsløse (en tilstandsrapport) 

      Kolltveit, Kari (Masteroppgave i Medium og materialbasert kunst, Master thesis, 2022)
      Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt. Avdeling Kunst og håndverk, 2022
    • Rooted 

      Haremska, Danuta (Visual arts, 2016)
      Installasjon på utstillingen Open Call Vol. 02, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Seilduksgalleriet, 07.-11.sept. 2016.
    • Rose Hammer 

      Garcia, Dora (Research report, 2020)
      Dossier documenting the artistic research project "Pharmakos (The Plague) The Radical Flu", including images and articles written about the project.